Page 12 - FSU OGM Week 22 2021
P. 12

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Wintershall sheds stake in

       30-year-old Russian JV

        RUSSIA           GERMAN oil and gas firm Wintershall Dea has  and  technological  know-how,”  Wintershall
                         sold its interest in one of the oldest international  chairman Mario Mehren said in a statement. “A
                         joint ventures in Russia’s oil and gas industry.  pioneering partnership that has developed into
                           Wolgodeminoil was set up in 1992, the year  a close and trusting co-operation. We want to
                         after the collapse of the Soviet Union, to develop  build on this and are delighted that we will con-
                         hydrocarbons in south Russia. The company lifts  tinue our successful co-operation with Lukoil in
                         oil and gas from some 12 fields in the Volgograd  our international projects.”
                         and Saratov regions, and extracted its 11 mil-  Wintershall and Lukoil are both partners at
                         lionth tonne of crude in March.      the Ghasha concession in the UAE, consisting
                           Wintershall said it was transferring its 50%  of nine shallow fields in the Arabian Gulf west
                         stake in the mostly oil-focused enterprise to  of Abu Dhabi. Lukoil bought a 5% stake in the
                         partner Ritek, a subsidiary of Russia’s Lukoil,  project in October 2019, while Wintershall has
                         as it looks to increase its focus on natural gas in  10%, Eni has 25% and OMV has 5%. Ghasha is
                         Russia. The German company is developing the  yet to enter production but is expected to flow
                         Achimov layer of the giant Urengoi field in West-  at a peak rate of 14.6bn cubic metres of gas and
                         ern Siberia with state-owned Gazprom, and also  120,000 barrels per day (bpd) of liquids at full
                         produces gas from the Yuzhno-Russkoye field.  capacity.
                           Wintershall did not say how much it had   Wintershall Dea produced 321,000 barrels
                         received for its interest. But it said the transfer  of oil equivalent per day of mostly gas in Rus-
                         had been confirmed by Russia’s Federal Antimo-  sia in the first quarter, up from 300,000 boepd a
                         nopoly Service (FAS).                year earlier. The growth came on the back of the
                           Wolgodeminoil has brought together “exper-  January launch of Achimov Block 5A. The pair
                         tise in the oil and gas business at the highest level  kicked off production at Block 4A in April. ™

       Gazprom targets Libyan

       production increase

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN state gas firm Gazprom announced   Meanwhile, he said that the partners had
                         this week that it had resumed oil production in  “transferred the duties of the field development
       Ports, terminals and   Libya following a nine-month hiatus. In an inter-  operator in units 91 and 107 in the Sirte Basin”
       production facilities are   view in Gazprom’s in-house magazine, Sergey  to the Sarir Oil Operations (SOO) JV established
       gradually restarting in   Tumanov, managing director of Gazprom EP  with Libya’s National Petroleum Co. (NOC).
       the north African state.  International, said that production had been  This was signed in October and followed around
                         suspended last year because of force majeure.  30 months of discussions to bring the JV in line
                            However, with ports, terminals and pro-  with Libya’s EPSA-IV framework. The fields cov-
                         duction facilities having gradually restarted  ered by this arrangement are understood to be
                         operations, “our oil production has successfully  capable of producing around 30,000 bpd.
                         resumed in our field in Libya”, he said.  Elsewhere in North Africa, Tumanov added
                            Tumanov added that Gazprom and its major-  that Gazprom plans begin the development of
                         ity partner in the Wintershall Aktiengesellschaft   projects at Algeria’s El Assel field and will carry
                         (WIAG) joint venture (JV), Wintershall Dea,  out feasibility studies for the development of the
                         aim to increase production from 43,000 barrels  Rourd Saya and North Rourd Saya fields in the
                         per day to 62,000 bpd this year. Gazprom EP  same country. ™
                         International holds a 49% share in the JV that
                         has been the operator of Libyan Blocks 91 and
                         107 since 1966.
                            Tumanov said that the partners’ activities
                         within these blocks had resulted in the discovery
                         of nine oilfields, which were brought to produc-
                         tion. He added that the largest of these is the As
                         Sarah field, which is located in Block 91.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   02•June•2021
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