Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 38 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       President Energy announces

       drilling and workover update

       AIM-listed President Energy, the energy com-
       pany with a diverse portfolio of production and
       exploration assets, has announced a drilling and
       workover update on various of its assets.
         Puesto Guardian Concession, Salta Province,
       Argentina: The Company has signed a drilling  453.6 metres and is currently being cemented in  Refinery have proven PetroTal’s ability to man-
       services contract for three firm wells to be drilled  place. Drilling of the 12-1/4”x14” hole section  age ONP disruptions.
       at the Puesto Guardian Concession before the  will commence over the coming days after the   Manuel Pablo Zuniga-Pflucker, President
       end of this year. The contract also includes an  blow out preventer stack has been installed and  and CEO, commented: “The initial flow rates
       option to retain the rig into the New Year for a  successfully pressure tested.  from well 8H are very exciting and echo the pro-
       further two wells after drilling of the third firm   Melbana Energy’s Executive Chairman,  file of the prolific 5H horizontal well. Similarly,
       well. This will enable continued drilling in the  Andrew Purcell, commented: “It has been a good  the clean sands of the 8H well reflect what we
       Concession, should the results from the ongo-  first week with the rig and the team advancing  have observed in the recently drilled 7D well
       ing seismic reprocessing confirm two additional  the programme at a steady pace and safely. We  and the cores obtained in the 3WD water dis-
       prospects that have been previously identified.  have not had any significant interruptions or  posal well. It is also rewarding that we have now
         The first three wells will be drilled in the Dos  delays to date.      achieved a new record field production level
       Puntitas field and the two contingent wells for   “We can also confirm that the remaining  of 15,400 bpd. The flush production seen from
       2022 in the Pozo Escondido field.   members of Melbana’s project team are now  8H is being monetised into some of the highest
         Each well is estimated to cost $3.5mn and  in country and out of quarantine, so it is great  Brent oil price markets we have seen all year, pro-
       have a drilling time of 45 days with a mean suc-  to have this additional expertise and capability  viding a significant cash flow impact. Over the
       cess case initial projected oil production of 40  available as this drill programme ramps up. We  next few weeks, we expect to commence drilling
       cubic metres per day (250 bpd).     will continue to provide regular operational  the next horizontal well (BN-9H) in our 2021
         Site clearance for the first well has begun  updates as the programme unfolds.”  campaign. On behalf of PetroTal, I would like to
       with the rig due to be mobilised during the first   Melbana Energy, September 21 2021  take this opportunity to thank Prime Minister
       days of October. Drilling of the first well is now                       Guido Bellido and the Minister of Energy and
       expected to commence by the end of the third   PetroTal completes        Mines, Ivan Merino Aguirre, for responding to
       week in October with drilling of all three wells                         the ONP communities’ concerns with in-person
       expected to be completed by the end of the year   8H horizontal well     negotiations to resolve the matter quickly and
       with the final well in that sequence expected to                         peacefully that allowed us to achieve this new
       be on stream in the first part of January 2022.  PetroTal commenced production of its fourth  record production.”
         Peter Levine, Chairman, commented: “We  horizontal well BN-8H (8H) on September 4,   PetroTal, September 15 2021
       look forward to the drilling campaign in Salta.  2021, with unrestricted flow rates of approxi-
       With current prices there comparable to Rio  mately 7,600 barrels per day (bpd) of oil over a
       Negro and fixed opex already covered by exist-  10-day period. Selected highlights are as follows.  LNG
       ing production, the incremental production will   Initial 8H production rates of 7,500-8,000
       make a good contribution to Group.”  bpd; and Total current field production is now   Petrobras calls tender
       President Energy, September 22 2021  approximately 15,400 bpd, a record production
                                           level for PetroTal.                  for access to Pecém LNG
       Melbana Energy announces            well cost came in 3% under budget, at $11.8mn;   regasification terminal
                                              Completion of well 8H below budget. The 8H
       Alameda-1 drilling update           8H estimated payout of 8-10 weeks production   Petrobras informs that it published today the call
                                           based on current Brent oil strip, assuming unre-
       Melbana Energy reports that the Alameda-1  stricted rates; Well 8H targeted oil sand inter-  for the exceptional access process to the Pecém
       exploration well has made good progress to  sected 4 meters higher than prognosed; and The  LNG regasification terminal, in the State of
       date after spudding at 09:00 hrs (Cuba time)  horizontal section of the 8H well was completed  Ceará (TR-PECEM) and its associated facilities.
       on September 13. The well has reached its first  with autonomous inflow control device tech-  This process aims to comply with the deter-
       planned casing point at a depth of 457 metres,  nology (AICD), which will better control water  mination of the Chamber of Exceptional Rules
       after drilling without incident or significant dis-  influx.             for Hydropower Management (CREG), in
       ruptions through the shallow section. Consistent   North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP) Update:  accordance with Letter No. 14/2021/CREG-
       with offset wells, minor residual oil shows were  PetroTal was able to achieve record field produc-  MME of 08/09/2021, that Petrobras allows
       observed in cuttings through the interval within  tion rates at Bretaña due to the ONP being oper-  immediate and simplified access to TR-PECEM
       interbedded limestones and sandstones. The  ational again, allowing the Company to unload  to the agent that proves expertise and initiates
       shallowest of the three prospective intervals in  the approximately 140,000 barrels of oil stored  the operation in less time, with this requirement
       Alameda-1 is anticipated at approx. 800 metres  in barges at Pump Station No. 1. The ability to  being verified through proof of availability of
       measured depth.                     store oil in barges combined with back-to-back  FSRU (regasification vessel) for berthing at the
         13-3/8” casing has been successfully run to  exports to Brazil and deliveries at the Iquitos  terminal.

       Week 38   23•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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