Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 38 2021
P. 14
The contractual model proposed here was con- the new service station, contributing to a reduc- which the company is a partner but not in charge
ceived on an exceptional basis, in the context of tion of more than 800 tonnes per year of CO2 of the operation.
the water crisis situation in the country, to meet emissions and an 80% reduction in fine particles. Petrobras’ decision is aligned with the global
the CREG determination. Esteban Rodríguez, Lipigas business man- positioning of the 12 member companies of the
Finally, the leasing process for the LNG regas- ager, explained during the inauguration that Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), a con-
ification terminal of Bahia (TR-BA) and associ- LNG was “a real option for reducing CO2 in sortium Petrobras has been part of since 2018.
ated facilities is in its final stage, awaiting the end long-distance heavy transport, thus contrib- Together, these companies represent about 30%
of the term for appeals, with the company Excel- uting to sustainable development, with the of global oil and gas production and collaborate
erate Energy Comercializadora de Gás Natural design of efficient energy solutions that help to to accelerate the transition to low carbon. With
declared the winner of the bidding. face the challenge of reducing emissions to the this new initiative, the members aspire to achieve
About Pecém Terminal: TR-PECEM is environment.” emission neutrality, recognising that they have
located on Pier 2 of the Port of Pecém, in São Lipigas, a company with a presence in Chile, many, but still not all the answers on how to get
Gonçalo do Amarante-CE. The maximum Colombia and Peru, is a relevant player in the there.
regasification flow rate of TR-PECEM is 7mn Latin American energy market, whose objective In this context, Petrobras, as Brazil’s larg-
cubic metres per day (at 1 atm and 20°C). The is to satisfy the energy needs of its customers est energy company and an important global
terminal’s gas pipeline is 19.1 km long and 20 with its combined products and solutions. player, is committed to the transition to a global
inches (508 mm) in diameter, connecting the HAM Chile, a leader in cryogenic equipment low-carbon economy.
TR-PECEM to the Guamaré-Fortaleza gas and work, has been working for several years “Over the past 11 years, the company has
pipeline. in South America, with its own personnel and improved its carbon efficiency in oil exploration
Petrobras, September 17 2021 facilities in the Santiago metropolitan region, and production by 47% and established itself
allowing Ham Group to continue its expansion as one of the most efficient oil and gas produc-
HAM Chile notes progress and maintain greater proximity to its customers, ers in the world. To continue advancing in the
offering a wide variety of products and services, reductions we are also planning to establish a
on LNG filling station ranging from the design, construction, start-up programme focused especially on accelerating
decarbonisation,” says Petrobras’ Institutional
and maintenance of service stations and regasi-
engineering fication plants, bunkering, manufacture of LNG Relations and Sustainability director, Roberto
cryogenic tanks, etc.
HAM Chile, a subsidiary of HAM Group, has HAM Group, September 15 2021 Petrobras seeks to proceed on this path, con-
been the company in charge, together with tributing to the Paris Agreement and maintain-
Empresas Lipigas, of the design, construction ing its competitiveness as a low-cost, low-carbon
and commissioning of the first LNG service sta- ESG oil and gas producer.
tion in Chile. The service station, which incor- In its Strategic Plan 2021-2025, Petrobras
porates the latest innovations in this type of Petrobras aims for carbon foresees investments of $1bn in sustainability
facility, is located at the facilities of Transportes commitments, regarding the decarbonisation of
San Gabriel, Linares, Maule Region, very close neutrality in its operations operations, the development of more sustaina-
to Ruta Cinco Sur (Panamerican Highway in ble fuels, such as renewable diesel and aviation
Chile), which is part of the main artery of land Petrobras has announced its ambition to achieve biokerosene, and research in renewable energy
communication in the country. emission neutrality in activities under its control, and low-carbon solutions.
This project has been possible thanks to Lipi- in a timeframe compatible with the one estab- Petrobras, September 20 2021
gas, Transportes San Gabriel and the multina- lished by the Paris Agreement. The company
tional AB InBev, a company that will incorporate also states its intention to influence its partners
35 trucks of LNG to its fleet, which will refuel at to achieve the same goal in oil and gas fields in INVESTMENT
Vista acquires 50% stakes
in Aguada Federal, Bandurria
Norte concessions
Vista Oil & Gasannounced today that it has
acquired a 50% non-operated working interest
in the Aguada Federal and Bandurria Norte con-
cessions, located in Vaca Muerta, Argentina.
The Company, through its subsidiary Vista
Holding I, has acquired from ConocoPhillips
Petroleum Holdings: (a) 100% of the capital
stock of ConocoPhillips Argentina Holding, a
Luxembourg company that holds 95% of the cap-
ital stock of ConocoPhillips Argentina Ventures,
and (b) 5% of the capital stock of ConocoPhillips
Argentina, therefore effectively acquiring 100%
of the capital stock in ConocoPhillips Argentina.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 38 23•September•2021