Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 38 2021
P. 4

      LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY Y                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                          Tuxpan fuel depot (Photo: Grupo Cobra)
       More trouble for private

       companies in Mexico

       CRE officials appear to have developed a new procedural tool to

       suspend operations at independent storage and transport facilities

                         MEXICO’S Energy Regulatory Commission   Tuxpan, a port in Veracruz State on the Gulf of
                         (CRE) has already forced several privately   Mexico.
       WHAT:             owned petroleum product terminals to sus-  CRE reportedly issued the order on Septem-
       Fuel storage and import   pend operations this year, ostensibly in an effort   ber 13 on the grounds that Monterra had not
       facilities in Tuxpan were   to curb corruption but also in response to the   been able to produce required documentation
       reportedly forced to sus-  current government’s efforts to give state-owned   during the course of an audit.
       pend operations earlier   companies an edge over competitors.  To date, neither the commission nor the
       this month.         So far, most of these shutdowns have involved   company has commented on the matter, and it
                         onshore facilities such as the truck-loading   is still not clear how long the terminal, which is
       WHY:              terminal in Puebla State owned by IEnova,   capable of storing 2.2mn barrels of petroleum
       Tuxpan is one of the main   the Mexican subsidiary of US-based Sempra   products, is likely to remain closed. (Nor is it
       entry points for gasoline
       deliveries to Mexico.  Energy. Earlier this month, though, CRE tar-  clear whether the closure affected all of the ter-
                         geted a fuel depot near a key coastal facility in   minal or just part of it, Argus Media pointed out
       WHAT NEXT:        a move that has the potential to disrupt supply   last week.)
       Disrupting imports could   chains in the domestic fuel market.  This uncertainty appears to have made an
       lead to fuel shortages on                              impression, as one fuel supply director for a
       the domestic market.  Trouble in Tuxpan                private sector Mexican company told Argus
                         According to press reports, representatives of   Media that no one knew what might happen
                         the commission ordered Monterra Energy, a   next. “It has been closed until further notice,” he
                         privately-owned US-based company, to sus-  remarked last week. “You do not know if that is
                         pend operations at its fuel storage terminal near   an hour, a week, a month or a year.”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   23•September•2021
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