Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 38 2021
P. 7

LatAmOil                                         MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

                                                            MT Falcon’s Saltillo TPP in Mexico (Photo: Toshiba Energy)

                         JERA said in a statement that it would continue   controls a short gas pipeline.
                         to renew its portfolio going forward, selling   The sale comes at a time when companies
                         assets and reinvesting the proceeds as it opti-  globally are reviewing the use of fossil fuels
                         mised its asset allocation for “compatibility with   against a backdrop of concern about – and
                         a changing business environment and seeks to   increasing investor interest in – sustainability
                         expand earnings.”                    and environmental issues.
                           Tohoku Electric Power, which has a 20%   Mexico has 32.4 trillion cubic feet (917.5bn
                         stake in MT Falcon, was the fourth company to   cubic metres) of proven and probable gas
                         sell, and confirmed its stake but did not give a   reserves, according to statistics from the state
                         reason for doing so.                 oil regulator CNH. Nevertheless, the country is
                           Mexico City-based MT Falcon owns five   highly reliant on gas piped in from the United
                         gas-fired combined cycle TPPs with a total   States.
                         generating capacity of 2,230 MW, all located in   Even so, there are large areas of under-drilled
                         the capital city. It also offers services related to   natural gas reserves in the northern Burgos
                         the operation of gas-burning combined-cycle   basin as well as along the Gulf coast, Mexican
                         power stations in north-eastern Mexico and   officials said last year. ™

       Study highlights Mexico’s

       green hydrogen potential

                         MEXICO has strong potential for the develop-
                         ment of green hydrogen projects, according to
                         a newly released study commissioned by the
                         German-Mexico Energy Partnership (EP) and
                         financed by the German government’s Agency
                         for International Co-operation (GIZ).
                           William Jensen-Diaz, a consultant for EP,
                         stated earlier this week that Mexico had the
                         resources necessary to support large-scale
                         green hydrogen production. The country’s
                         north-western regions are particularly suitable
                         for this purpose, as they have the strongest solar
                         resources, he was quoted as saying by Argus
                           Jensen-Diaz did not say whether the study               Solar farm in Baja California (Photo: Aura Solar)
                         had advocated for any specific projects. He did
                         assert, though, that green hydrogen production   projects, he added.
                         could prove particularly beneficial for Mexico’s   If Mexico converts public transport and
                         transport, power generation and oil-refining   freight networks to this environmentally
                         sectors.                             friendly fuel, he said, the transportation sector
                           Green hydrogen could also be useful for   may see green hydrogen demand rise to 1,750
                         industrial customers and support energy storage   tonnes per year (tpy) by 2050.

       Week 38   23•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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