Page 7 - MEOG Week 22 2021
P. 7
Flows begin to feed
CPF at Yibal Khuff
OMAN UK-BASED oilfield services specialist Petrofac the Sultanate’s remaining oil reserves. Yibal Khuff facilities
last week announced that sweet hydrocarbons Start-up had originally been anticipated in
have begun flowing into the central processing 2020, but was pushed back to this year during Source: Petrofac
facility (CPF) at the integrated Yibal Khuff sour 2019.
gas and oil project in Oman. The estimated $2.9bn scheme will tap
The development, which Petrofac is carrying reserves estimated at 327mn barrels of oil equiv-
out on behalf of state-backed Petroleum Devel- alent (boe) in the Khuff and Sudair reservoirs to
opment Oman (PDO), will produce 21,900 bar- increase capacity at Yibal – the Sultanate’s oldest
rels per day (bpd) of oil and 6.1mn cubic metres and largest field – through the use of EOR in the
per day of associated gas, with the latter to be sour Khuff reservoir.
used in power generation and for enhanced oil Petrofac’s large-scale involvement in PDO’s
recovery (EOR). EOR programme dates back to 2005 and the
Flows are higher than the previously envis- award of the EPC contract for the second phase
aged 10,000 bpd of oil and 5 mcm per day of gas. of PDO’s first such project at Rabab-Harweel.
According to Petrofac: “The project is tech- PDO is 60% state-owned, with the remainder
nologically complex due to the mega high sour held by Royal Dutch Shell (34%), Total (4%) and
oil and gas content.” The company received was Thailand’s PTT E&P (2%).
awarded an engineering, procurement and con- Its share in the process of transferring its stake
struction management (EPCM) contract by in Block 6 to the newly-formed Energy Develop-
PDO in 2015. ment Oman (EDO).
The facility is located around 350 km south- The new company has appointed a finan-
west of the Omani capital Muscat in PDO’s cial adviser and kicked off fundraising to bring
900,000-square km Block 6 concession. Block in a first tranche of $5bn in order to ease the
6 has an oil production capacity of around government’s debt burden and fund its Block 6
650,000 bpd and is home to more than 75% of obligations.
Week 22 02•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P7