Page 4 - EurOil Week 41 2022
P. 4

EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       What happened to the

       Nord Stream pipelines?

       With a lack of evidence, it is worth considering who benefits.

        EUROPE           INTRIGUE continues regarding what caused  Nord Stream pipeline, and prior to the leaks,
                         major leaks to occur at Russia’s Nord Stream  was indicating to Germany that it could solve
       WHAT:             pipelines in late September, potentially putting  the country’s energy crisis if it was permitted to
       Evidence is still pending   them permanently out of action. It is widely  turn on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which was
       regarding the leaks at   agreed that the leaks were a result of sabotage,  also severely damaged.
       the Nord Stream 1 and 2   particularly as Swedish seismologists recorded   The Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines repre-
       pipelines.        explosions taking place in the vicinity. However,  sented leverage for Russia. Put simply, Mos-
                         who was to blame remains far less certain.  cow had the ability to offer Germany and other
       WHY:                Russia was quick to point the finger at the  European countries extra gas in exchange for
       It is widely agreed that   US – a charge that Washington has vehemently  pressing for a peace in Ukraine that was advan-
       sabotage was the cause.  denied. Meanwhile the US and its European  tageous for Russia. No longer able to turn Nord
                         allies have largely avoided assigning blame at  Stream back on, this leverage disappears. Sanc-
       WHAT NEXT:        this stage, stressing the need for investigations  tions and counter-sanctions that Poland and
       The absence of the Nord   to continue.                 Russia have imposed on each other have ren-
       Strean pipelines strips   Multiple governments are undertaking their  dered the Yamal-Europe pipeline inoperable
       Russia of leverage.  own probes into the incidents. But taking the  for the foreseeable future. This leaves only two
                         lead are Swedish investigators, as it was in that  routes for Russian gas to enter Europe: the Turk-
                         country’s waters where the leaks occurred. Mos-  Stream pipeline that comes ashore in Turkey and
                         cow has not been allowed to participate in the  Ukraine’s transit system.
                         Swedish investigation, and Swedish Prime Min-  TurkStream has a capacity of 31.5bn cubic
                         ister Magdalena Anderson said on October 10  metres per year, but one of its two strings is used
                         that findings would not be shared with Russian  to supply the Turkish market, leaving only 15.75
                         authorities or with Gazprom.         bcm per year of capacity for Europe. Ukraine’s
                           Various commentators have indicated that  transit system, at least prior to the war, is capa-
                         Russia would have the capacity to carry out such  ble of delivering over 100 bcm of Russian gas
                         an attack, but the same can also be said of the US  to Europe that can be fairly easily distributed
                         and some of its allies.              across Central Europe. But that leaves most of
                                                              Russia’s ability to ramp up shipments to Europe
                         Cui bono                             in Ukraine’s hands. Moscow and Kyiv already
                         It has been suggested that Russia might have  began a dispute over transit terms last month,
                         blown up the pipelines to further rattle Europe-  and Ukraine has declared a force majeure on
                         an energy markets, and force concessions in the  accepting Russian deliveries at one of the two
                         Ukrainian war. However, this argument does  border entry points, claiming the gas has been
                         not hold up. Russia had already shut down the  stolen by Russian proxies.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2022
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