Page 6 - EurOil Week 41 2022
P. 6

EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       EU members still fail to make headway

       on gas price cap proposal

       EU member states are still undecided about what form the price cap should take.

        EU               EU leaders convened once more on October 7  6 that a gas price cap could result in mandatory
                         to discuss the introduction of a price cap on gas  rationing of supplies.
       WHAT:             imports, but once more, member states failed to   “The gas price is currently being set by the
       EU leaders met again on   decide on what form the measure would take.  demand side, not the supply side,” the federation
       October 7 to discuss a   Ahead of the summit, a majority of EU  said in a statement. “Prices rise to a level where
       gas price cap.    countries asked the European Commission to  consumers self-interrupt, switch to alternative
                         propose the gas prices. The energy ministers of  fuels, or invest in other energy-saving measures.”
       WHY:              15 nations – Belgium, Croatia, France, Greece,   “Without market-based prices, consumption
       Disagreement continues   Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal,  will rise and governments will have to step in to
       about what form the gas   Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain – penned  force reductions. And contracted and future
       price cap should take.  a letter to Brussels pledging support for the  gas deliveries into the bloc would be put at risk,”
                         move. But the Commission itself has reserva-  EFET added.
       WHAT NEXT:        tions about the price, fearing it could make the   “LNG contracts in many cases take place
       XXX               European gas market even more tight, as some  outside EU jurisdiction (and indeed, sellers may
                         suppliers will have an incentive to divert their  insist that future contracts take place in interna-
                         shipments to other markets that offer higher  tional waters,” the federation said. “An importer
                         prices, particularly in Asia.        could redirect cargoes outside Europe rather
                           Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands  than trade at a loss against a lower cap. The con-
                         have likewise warned that the cap would make it  sequence would be a risk to security of supply.”
                         difficult to buy gas on the global market. While   The government in Berlin has suggested that
                         Norway, which sends the overwhelming major-  governments step in to subsidise the wholesale
                         ity of its gas to Europe via pipeline, would have  gas, which would limit costs for households and
                         nowhere else to sell the volumes, LNG suppliers  industry, while ensuring suppliers still had an
                         such as Qatar and the US could easily find other  incentive to send gas to Europe. But this would
                         destinations for their gas. Russia, meanwhile, has  come at a great expense to government coffers,
                         warned before that it would cut off the remaining  at a time when many are contending with sig-
                         supply to Europe if a cap were imposed.  nificant debt loads as a result of the pandemic
                           The European Federation of Energy Traders  and the fallout from the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
                         (EFET) is also concerned, warning on October   Meanwhile four countries – Poland, Greece,

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2022
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