Page 11 - EurOil Week 41 2022
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highlighted that a US helicopter was seen in the duce emissions. Indeed, methane was a major
vicinity on September 25. focus of the COP26 conference in Glasgow in
The United Nations Environment Pro- 2021, when countries agreed to reduce meth-
gramme (UNEP) said it was biggest single ane emissions by 30% by 2030, while the gas
release of methane ever. also featured in the US-China bilateral climate
agreement agreed at the event in Scotland.
Nature of emissions of CH4 compared to The Global Methane Pledge could account
CO2 for 800mn tonnes of CO2e reductions by 2030,
Methane’s main danger is that it is 80 times more according to Climate Action Tracker.
damaging in the short term than CO2, say ex- Meanwhile, the IEA warned that its Net Zero
perts. On the other hand, methane stays in the Emissions by 2050 Scenario required energy-re-
atmosphere, about 15-20 years, a much shorter lated methane emissions to fall 75% by 2030.
time than CO2, according to the International
Energy Agency (IEA). It dissipates faster than Security
CO2 but is a much more powerful greenhouse The explosion took place against the back-
gas (GHG) during its short lifespan, meaning ground of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and
that cutting methane emissions would have a Western retaliatory sanctions on the Kremlin.
rapid effect on limiting global warming. Russia had already stopped gas exports to
Methane is responsible for around 30% of the Europe via Nord Stream 1 at the end of August,
rise in global temperatures since the Industrial while Nord Stream 2 had never operated
Revolution, the IEA said in March, noting that commercially.
global methane emissions had risen by 5% in The explosions now mean that any hope of
2021 using Nord Stream 2 as a gas import route by
Germany is scuppered, and pose serious ques-
Global methane pledge and goals tions about Europe's, and especially Germany’s,
The UNEP's International Methane Emissions reliance on imports of Russian gas.
Observatory (IMEO) warned that the leak had Nevertheless, Manfredi Caltagirone, the head
occurred at a time when it is imperative to re- of the IMEO, warned that the environmental
Week 41 15•October•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P11