Page 12 - EurOil Week 41 2022
P. 12

EurOil                                  PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                          EurOil

                         effect of the ruptures poses far more serious  taking place, either deliberately or because the
                         long-term questions for the world’s ability to  technology is not working.
                         meet its net-zero goals.
                           He warned that the damage to the pipeline  In comparison
                         posed a problem beyond energy security. “This  Putting the Nord Stream leak into perspective,
                         is the most wasteful way to generate emissions,”  the world's coal mines knowingly release the
                         he said.                             same amount of methane, 300,000 tonnes in
                           The one ray of hope from the leaks is that the  total, every 2.5 days, while the mines released
                         sudden discharges of methane into the atmos-  43.5mn tonnes of CH4 in 2021.
                         phere will offer scientists new insights into how   Meanwhile, the Danish government said that
                         methane affects the climate and will increase  the climate impact of the gas leak corresponded
                         the knowledge base required to combat global  to about one-third of the country’s total climate
                         warming.                             impact in one year. This is the equivalent of
                                                              778mn cubic metres of natural gas.
                         Tools for measuring impact of CH4      Meanwhile, the US oil and gas industry inten-
                         The disaster in the Baltic Sea offers research-  tionally releases 300,000 tonnes, an amount that
                         ers better opportunities to measure the impact  could perhaps be labelled a “Nord Stream,” every
                         of the leak without government or companies  two and a half weeks, Bloomberg reported.
                         making it difficult to assess because of official   What this means is that while the leaks in the
                         denials or difficulties in accessing the site.  Baltic are attracting global attention as a one-off
                           In 2021, major emissions were confirmed  disaster, similar methane emissions of equal size
                         in Texas and Central Asia, while Turkmenistan  are happening every week across the world.
                         caused a third of large emission events from oil   If  the  Nord  Stream  leaks  are  a  climate
                         and gas seen by satellites. In 2022, a gas leak at  catastrophe, then the world needs to know that
                         oil wells in Mexico produced 40,000 tonnes of  similar climate catastrophes are happening all
                         methane                              the time.
                           These  were  detected  and  monitored  by   The methane escaping Nord Stream rep-
                         emerging satellite technology, which can dis-  resents the amount of methane emitted every
                         cover, monitor and measure methane leaks that  single day from oil, gas and coal energy systems
                         were previously unknown or were difficult to  worldwide.
                         measure accurately. Common sources include   On October 3, the Swedish prosecutor
                         gas pipelines, oil wells, fossil fuel processing  closed off the site of the leaks, pending inves-
                         plants and landfills.                tigation in to what it said was “suspected gross
                           For example, data from the TROPOMI  sabotage”.
                         instrument on the European Sentinel 5P satellite,   While investigations continue, and accu-
                         which is part of the Earth-observing constella-  sations about who is responsible and what the
                         tion Copernicus, has detected methane at an oil  effect on security in the Baltic Sea read might be,
                         and gas pipeline in Kazakhstan and at oil and gas  the negative effects on the environment will out-
                         production facilities in Turkmenistan.  weigh any geopolitical impact.
                           Tropomi's operations have detected prevent-  The world must also learn that while the gas
                         able emissions from oil and gas fields in Turk-  leaks can be regarded as isolated developments,
                         menistan. The installations should have built  they have highlighted that catastrophes of simi-
                         hardware that would flare off or burn the meth-  lar scale, reach and impact are happening on a
                         ane, thereby preventing it from leaking into the  continual basis.
                         atmosphere.                            The world is experiencing “daily Nord
                           However, the satellite has detected that this  Streams” as it continues to pump out emissions
                         is not happening, suggesting that flaring is not  and use up fossil fuels. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2022
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