Page 16 - EurOil Week 41 2022
P. 16

EurOil                                   ENERGY TRANSITION                                             EurOil

       BP plans to triple its offshore wind

       farm jobs by end of 2023

        UK               OIL supermajor BP plans to more than triple its  launched BP’s green shift in 2020, with a pledge
                         offshore wind farm jobs in an effort to achieve  to ramp up renewable energy, noted Bloomberg.
       BP is targeting 880   its CO2 goals, a company executive has told   The company is in the process of hiring a
       offshore wind farms by   Bloomberg.                    head of floating wind, he said. BP’s first entry
       the end of next year.  By year-end 2023, BP aims to employ 800 in  into floating projects may be in the UK, where
                         offshore wind, up from about 220 now.  the Crown Estate will soon open new leases in
                           The company also says it will target floating  the Celtic Sea off south-west England.
                         wind in its green push. Floating is a nascent tech-  “Floating will play a key role in our strategy,”
                         nology with massive potential to bring offshore  said Sandford. “In the oil and gas business, float-
                         wind farms into deeper waters.       ing structures are something that’s very common
                           “BP is committed to the energy transition,”  and BP have great expertise in that area.”
                         Richard Sandford, BP’s vice president for off-  In other BP news, in a significant contract Par-
                         shore wind in the UK, told Bloomberg. “Off-  is-based Nexans will design and lay export cables for
                         shore wind is a key component to that story.”  the 816-MW Empire Wind 1 project in the US. Empire
                           Still, even with the additional hires and inter-  is a 50:50 partnership between BP and Equinor.
                         nal moves, offshore wind staff will only comprise   The project, off Long Island in New York
                         just over 1% of BP’s approximately 60,000-strong  State, is expected to go online in 2026. Danish
                         workforce, the news service notes.   firm Vestas is the preferred turbine supplier, and
                           About half of the growth in offshore wind jobs will  will supply 54 x V236-15.0 MWs.
                         come from internal moves, the BP executive said.  BP is so far involved in nine offshore wind
                           Chief executive officer Bernard Looney had  projects in the UK, US and Vietnam. ™
                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       Kremlin claims attempt at            Estonia’s opposition Centre         circumstances, the expenses incurred in
                                                                                creating necessary capacity must definitely
       blowing up TurkStream gas            Party files no-confidence           be compensated to the companies. Minister
                                                                                Sikkut has knowingly and maliciously misled
       pipeline thwarted, announces  motion in minister over LNG                and kept Estonia in the dark,” the statement
       arrests                              vessel saga                         ministers must perform their duties honestly,
                                                                                  The Centre Party says that government
       The Kremlin said on October 13 that   Estonia’s opposition Centre Party MPs   transparently, in the interest of the state and
       several people were arrested during a   have signed a motion of no-confidence   in accordance with the laws of the Republic
       thwarted attempt to blow up a section of the   in Minister of Economic Affairs and   of Estonia, while “deliberately” misleading
       TurkStream gas pipeline on Russian territory,   Communications Riina Sikkut, representing   the public is inappropriate for a minister, in
       Interfax news agency reported.       the Social Democrats, claiming that she did   addition to Sikkut’s failure to protect Estonia’s
         Russian leader Vladimir Putin brought   not sufficiently stand up for the interests of   interests, ensure its energy security and
       up the claimed attempt at sabotage during a   the Estonian state in relation to a Floating   maintain its international reputation, the
       meeting in Kazakh capital Astana on October   Regassification Storage Unit (FRSU) vessel   party’s MPs say.
       13 with Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip   which is sailing to Finland rather than Estonia   “Riina Sikkut is not suitable for the
       Erdogan, Tass reported.              and will supply both countries with their   minister of economy and infrastructure of the
         Russia said it was tightening security on   Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) needs over the   Republic of Estonia,” the statement concludes.
       the TurkStream pipeline, infrastructure that   winter,, an Estonian news website,   MPs from the other opposition party,
       transits Russian gas to Turkey via a route   reported on October 13.     the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia
       through the Black Sea.                 The motion reads: “The Minister of   (EKRE), have also called for Sikkut’s
         No more details of the alleged attempt   Economy and Communications of the   resignation over the matter.
       at blowing up the TurkStream section were   Republic of Estonia, Riina Sikkut, has lost   The plans for the obtaining of an LNG
       provided by Russian officials.       trust as a minister because she has acted   FRSU vessel and the construction of the
         Still unexplained are ruptures, seemingly   covertly and maliciously relating to the   berth at Paldiski needed to bring LNG from
       caused by explosions, on the Nord Stream gas   bringing of an LNG vessel to the port of   ship to shore and to re-gassify it for supply to
       pipelines in the Baltic Sea and an oil leak on   Paldiski, and in ensuring the security of   consumers, were put in place prior to Sikkut
       the Druzhba pipeline in Poland.      supply of LNG to Estonia.”          being appointed to the post.
         Putin has warned that the Nord Stream   As a result of Sikkut’s actions, there has   She has also proposed Estonia procuring
       incident has shown that energy infrastructure   been a conscious waste of taxpayers’ money   its own FRSU vessel for mooring off Paldiski,
       everywhere has a certain vulnerability to   and deliberate misleading of business, the reported.
       sabotage.                            statement states.
                                              “Taking into account the known

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