Page 17 - EurOil Week 41 2022
P. 17

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                            EurOil

       Gazprom confirms commitment         modern BAT (Best Available Technology)   to six months in jail, while Hernadi got a two-
                                                                                  At the end of 2019, Sanader was sentenced
                                           operating standards with a low environmental
       on Hungary gas deliveries           impact. The processing capacity of the unit   year jail sentence. The verdicts were appealed
                                           will be about 1,500 tonnes/day of reformed
                                                                                against by both USKOK and the defendants.
       Russian gas giant Gazprom has confirmed its   gasoline.                    The case, that has dragged on for around
       commitment to continued deliveries of gas to   The process of replacing the existing   10 years, concerns the privatisation of
       Hungary and the long-term operation of the   aromatic products unit will be carried out   Croatian energy company INA. The court
       TurkStream pipeline, Hungarian Minister of   between 2023 and 2025.      found that Hernadi had given Sanader a
       Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto said   The aromatic products unit currently   €10mn bribe in exchange for allowing MOL
       on October 12 after meeting with the Russian   functioning at Petrobrazi Refinery was put   to take a dominant position in INA.
       company’s CEO Alexey Miller in Moscow.  into production in 1961.           The review motion may be filed at the
         “Gazprom confirmed its commitment to   The new unit of aromatic products will be   Swiss court until 8 February and a response is
       operating the TurkStream for the long term   put into operation in 2026. It will ensure the   expected by the end of 2022.
       and confirmed its commitment with regard   continuity of production of gasoline with a   Meanwhile, Croatia will not proceed
       to the long-term predictability of deliveries   volumetric benzene content of less than 1%,   with the plan to buy back MOL’s stake until
       to Hungary,” Szijjarto said in a Facebook   according to current European standards.  the new legal action is completed. Economy
       message.                               At the same time, it will be possible to   Minister Tomislav Coric said the two parties
         Part of Hungary’s Russian gas deliveries   obtain a larger amount of toluene from the   had different views on the price of the stake
       that comes via Austria, through the northern   process of gasoline production. Toluene can   and were unable to reach an agreement until
       delivery route, will be re-routed through the   be used to obtain commercial gasoline with   now.
       southern delivery route.            an improved octane number, but it can also   Croatia owns a 44.85% stake in INA, while
         Under a 15-year agreement in autumn 202,   be used as a solvent in the chemical industry   MOL holds a 49.1% stake and management
       the Russian gas giant guaranteed the annual   to obtain paints and adhesives or in the   rights. The two shareholders have been locked
       supply of 4.5 bcm of gas through Serbia and   processes of obtaining leather products. .  in a long dispute over control of the company.
       Austria, bypassing Ukraine. Gazprom agreed
       to boost the delivery of up to 5.8 mcm gas per
       day above the volume stipulated in the long-  Swiss top court rejects Croatian  Serbia to import only non-
       term contract.
         During the talks in Moscow, Szijjarto   request to review UN ruling in   Russian oil via Croatia’s Janaf
       assured Alexey Miller that Hungary will
       continue to take a stand on keeping gas   dispute between INA and MOL    Serbia will import only non-Russian oil via
       deliveries and related activities exempt from                            Croatia’s Janaf pipeline in future, Serbian
       sanctions.                          The Swiss Federal Supreme Court has turned   Deputy PM and Energy Minister Zorana
         Hungary’s top diplomat also finalised the   down a request by the Croatian government   Mihajlovic said on October 10.
       terms of deferred payments granted by the   to review a 2016 ruling by the United Nations   Serbian oil company NIS is currently
       Russian company for gas purchased during   trade tribunal upholding a deal that has   receiving Russian oil through Janaf, but
       the winter.                         given control of INA to MOL, N1 reported in   Croatia said it would not allow the transport
         Earlier this month, state-owned energy   October 12.                   of Russian oil as part of the EU sanctions.
       group MVM agreed with Gazprom to defer   At the end of 2021, the government   Mihajlovic underlined that that the
       its payments for gas purchases exceeding a   decided to challenge the ruling of the UN   new package of EU sanctions, which bans
       certain threshold value, allowing Hungary to   court, after the same request had been rejected  import of Russian crude oil, will not affect
       pay for the gas over three years if prices surge.   twice in previous years.  the stability of supply so there is no fear of
       Late payment of gas will ease pressure on   Croatia turned to the Arbitral Tribunal   shortages of oil derivatives on the Serbian
       Hungary’s widening trade deficit.   of the United Nations Commission on   market.
         Soaring energy prices will lift Hungary’s   International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in   “NIS has an agreement for import of
       energy imports by some €15bn this year,   Geneva in 2014 with the aim of cancelling   Russian oil, which will pass through Janaf
       according to calculations by the finance   a 2009 deal that allowed MOL to obtain a   until December 5, and after that date it will
       ministry.                           dominant position in INA. MOL won the   continue to import non-Russian oil that will
                                           arbitration case in December 2016.   pass hrough the same pipeline,” Mihajlovic
                                              According to the Swiss top court, there was   explained.
       OMV Petrom replaces gasoline        disagreement between Croatian courts and   crude oil via Janaf is the most profitable and
                                                                                  Mihajlovic underlined that the import of
                                           international arbitrations on the reliability of
       production unit under €130mn        witnesses, but that gave no solid ground for   sustainable option for Serbia.
                                           challenging the UN ruling, as Croatian courts
                                                                                  She recalled that Serbia has 20% domestic
       investment                          had to rule on the criminal aspect of the case,   oil, while the other 80% will be imported but
                                                                                not from Russia.
                                           while UNCITRAL was in charge of the civil
       OMV Petrom (BVB: SNP), the largest   aspect.                               Mihajlovic said that the construction of
       integrated energy company in South-Eastern   The ruling of the Swiss court was   an oil pipeline to Hungary is a possibility
       Europe, has announced that it will invest   confirmed by the government in Zagreb but it   that the energy ministry has included in its
       approximately €130mn in the next three   has declined to comment.        investment plan, but that it is necessary to
       years to build a new unit for the production   The government has decided to take legal   conduct analysis and see if there is economic
       of aromatic products including gasoline   action after the Croatian supreme court   justification.
       and toluene at Petrobrazi refinery - the sole   upheld in October the guilty verdicts against
       Romanian refinery that can produce gasoline   former Croatian prime minister Ivo Sanader
       to European Union standards.        for taking a bribe from MOL head Zsolt
         The unit will function according to   Hernadi.

       Week 41   15•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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