Page 18 - EurOil Week 41 2022
P. 18

EurOil                         NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           EurOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  shareholders can retain their interests in
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  the projects.
                         our team of international editors, who provide a
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  GLNG: Kinder Morgan Sells Half Its Stake
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG's new  In Elba Island LNG
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  Kinder Morgan announced on September 27
                         link for each section the full text will be available  that it had closed the sale of a 25.5% inter-
                         as before.                          est in the Elba Liquefaction Co. (ELC) joint
                                                             venture, which operates a liquefaction plant
                         AfrOil:  DR Congo Rejects US Request To  on Elba Island in Georgia. The stake, which
                         Scale Back Onshore Licensing Round  represents half of Kinder Morgan’s interest in
                         The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)  ELC, has been sold to an undisclosed buyer
                         has rejected a request from US climate envoy  for around $565mn.
                         John Kerry to reduce the number of blocks
                         included in its current onshore licensing  LatAmOil:  Staatsolie  Confirms  Plans  For
                         round from 30 to 24, Environment Minister  Deepwater Auctions In Q4-2022
                         Eve Bazaiba revealed on October 5.  Staatsolie, the national oil company (NOC)
                                                             of Suriname, has confirmed that it still
                         AsianOil: EIG Vehicle Snaps Up Stakes In  intends to launch a licensing round for
                         Australian LNG Projects For $2.15bn  deepwater acreage before the end of this
                         MidOcean Energy, backed by US private  year.
                         equity group EIG, has struck a deal to ac-  Representatives of the company made
                         quire Tokyo Gas’ interests in four integrat-  statements to this effect at the Guyana
                         ed Australian LNG projects for $2.15bn in  Basins Summit (GBS) 2022. At the confer-
                         cash, EIG said in a statement on October 7.  ence, they reported that Staatsolie would be
                         The projects – Gorgon LNG, Ichthys LNG,  kicking off the licensing round before the
                         Pluto LNG and Queensland Curtis LNG  end of the fourth quarter of 2022.
                         – are situated on Australia’s east and west
                         coasts and are major suppliers of LNG to  MEOG:NewMed, Capricorn Merger
                         Asian markets.                      NewMed Energy announced this week
                                                             that it would merge with UK-based Cap-
                         DMEA: UAE’s Retail Fuel Consumption Up  ricorn Energy in a shares-plus-cash deal
                         The UAE is seeing retail fuel consump-  that combines a wealth of gas-rich assets
                         tion grow on the back of improvements in  around the Mediterranean.
                         the economy, but without returning to the   The agreement will see shareholders in
                         level that prevailed before the coronavirus  Capricorn – formerly Cairn Energy – receive
                         (COVID-19) pandemic, according to Saif  a special dividend of $620mn and the new
                         Humaid Al Falasi, the group CEO of Emir-  entity will be listed under NewMed – for-
                         ates National Oil Co. (ENOC).       merly Delek Drilling – whose shareholders
                                                             will hold an 89.7% stake in the new “MENA
                         FSUOGM: Russia Seizes Sakhalin-1 Oil And  gas and energy champion”.
                         Gas Project
                            Russian President Vladimir Putin on  NorthAmOil: Suncor To Offload Wind, Solar
                         October 7 ordered the seizure of the Exx-  Assets In Shift In Energy Transition Focus
                         onMobil-led Sakhalin-1 oil project, sign-  Leading oil sands producer Suncor Energy
                         ing a decree that establishes a new operator  said on October 5 that it had agreed to
                         to manage the development.          sell its wind and solar assets to ATCO-  See the archive and
                            It follows a similar presidential decree  owned Canadian Utilities for CAD730mn   sign up to receive
                         introduced at the end of June, under  ($527mn).                          *NRG Editor’s Picks*
                         which Russia transferred all rights and   In  a  statement,  the  company  said  it   for free by email each
                         obligations of the consortium managing  would shift its focus to areas that were more   week here
                         the Sakhalin-2 project to a Russian entity.  complementary to its core business, such as
                         Both decrees give the Russian govern-  hydrogen and renewable fuels, in line with
                         ment authority to decide whether foreign  previous announcements.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2022
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