Page 10 - EurOil Week 41 2022
P. 10

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Hungary and Serbia to build pipeline to

       transport Russian oil to Serbia

        CENTRAL EUROPE   HUNGARY and Serbia agreed on October 10 to   The southern branch of the Druzhba pipeline
                         build a pipeline to transport Russian Urals crude  currently delivers oil to Hungary, Slovakia and
       Serbia will lose   to Serbia via the Druzhba oil pipeline, a Hungar-  the Czech Republic.
       alternative access to   ian official confirmed on October 10.   Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic previ-
       Russian oil this winter.  The new pipeline was announced as Serbia  ously announced on October 8 that Serbia had
                         faces an imminent cutoff of Russian oil supplies  decided to build an oil pipeline with Hungary
                         that are currently transported by ship to Croatia  and diversify its energy suppliers and routes.
                         then on to Serbia via the Janaf pipeline. New EU   The construction of the 128-km oil pipeline,
                         sanctions on Russian oil deliveries by sea will  which will partly run along the gas pipeline route
                         block that route from November.      to Hungary, will be completed in two years and
                           “[Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic] and  cost €100mn, he added.
                         [Hungarian] PM [Viktor] Orban have agreed   This is part of a broader set of measures Bel-
                         to build an oil pipeline to Hungary. The new  grade plans to take to ensure its energy security.
                         oil pipeline would enable Serbia to be supplied   Hungary backed the latest package of sanc-
                         with cheaper Urals crude oil, connecting to the  tions on Moscow, but with strong energy ties to
                         Friendship oil pipeline,” Orban’s international  Russia it has repeatedly criticised the increas-
                         spokesman Zoltan Kovacs wrote on Twitter.  ingly tough sanctions imposed by the bloc and
                           “At present, the country’s [Serbia’s] oil supply  successfully lobbied for several extensions.
                         is largely via a pipeline through Croatia, but this   Serbia, meanwhile, has been under pressure
                         is unlikely to be possible in the future because  to join sanctions as an EU candidate country
                         of the sanctions that have been adopted,” Kovacs  but has so far refused, citing its friendly ties with
                         added.                               Russia. ™

       Nord Stream leaks: a catastrophe

       for climate goals

        EUROPE           THE explosions on September 25 at the Nord  beginning to be realised.
                         Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea off the   Before the leak, meeting the Paris Climate
       300,00 tonnes of   Swedish and Danish coasts could create a climate  Agreement’s goal of limiting the global tem-
       methane was released   catastrophe that is just beginning to be realised,  perature rise to 1.5˚C would require meth-
       into the atmosphere.  although it offers rare opportunities to measure  ane emissions to fall by 45% by 2030, the UN’s
                         the exact impact of methane emissions on the  Global Methane Assessment said in 2021. Such
                         environment.                         a reduction would avoid nearly 0.3°C of global
                           Already dubbed the worst methane leak  warming by 2045.
                         ever, the three explosions, which created three   The Nord Stream methane leaks have the
                         holes in the two systems, which each consist of  potential to cause chaos for efforts to reduce
                         two pipes, have released about 300,000 tonnes  methane emissions over the next two decades,
                         of methane, causing a 700-metre-wide pool of  and could increase the already high danger of
                         bubbling water in the Baltic Sea.    failing to meet net zero by 2050.
                           The explosions, which the Ukrainian govern-
                         ment immediately blamed on Russia, while the  Explosions
                         German government suggested sabotage, have  The explosions took place at a depth of 80-90
                         created large releases of methane, the scientific  metres just outside Danish and Swedish terri-
                         name for natural gas.                torial waters. This means that sophisticated and
                           The danger is that methane, over a period of  advanced underwater technology, or even a
                         20 years, is up to 80 times more dangerous than  submarine, would have been required.
                         CO2 in terms of global warming, although after   While Germany and the EU pointed the
                         20 years it becomes less dangerous than CO2.  finger at Russia, the Kremlin denied any
                           The leak will make it more difficult for  responsibility, pointing to explicit threats by
                         Europe, and indeed the world, to meet cli-  US President Joe Biden and others ahead of the
                         mate change goals, although the exact effects  war that the US would shut down Nord Stream
                         of the released gas on the environment are just  2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. Russian media also

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2022
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