Page 19 - DMEA Week 10 2021
P. 19

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       said on Wednesday.                  Mediterranean, which was acquired by   intake. This is a record in production of the
         It had previously estimated sales below 9   Chevron last year, has a 39.66% stake. Ratio   unit in recent years.
       billion BCM this year.              Oil holds the remaining 15%.           The main feedstock of Bandar Imam
         Delek Drilling is a partner with Chevron in   REUTERS                  Petrochemical Plant is gas liquids (NGL)
       Leviathan, Israel’s largest gas field, which came                        received from the National Iranian South
       online the end of 2019 and supplies Israel,                              Oil Company (NISOC). After entering the
       Jordan and Egypt with gas.          PETROCHEMICALS                       complex and separating in the NF unit, this
         “The continued rise and the stability in the                           gas provides various products such as ethane
       actual export of gas to Egypt, alongside the   Olefin unit of Bandar     and pentane, which are the main feedstock of
       increased demand in the domestic market,                                 the company’s olefin unit.
       has led us to increase the forecast for sales   Imam petchem plant fully   Reduction in the feedstock received from
       and production from the Leviathan reservoir,”                            NISOC and severe fluctuations in ethane
       said Delek Drilling CEO Yossi Abu.  operational                          shipments this year caused an imbalance
         The company said that the total resource                               and created challenges in the production
       evaluation for the reservoir is, in the best   Bandar Imam Petrochemical Plant has   of ethylene and other items produced at
       estimate, around 642 BCM, not including   managed for operate its olefin unit at full   the olefin unit, but with the efforts of the
       some 7 BCM produced last year. The value of   production tilt by optimizing its feedstock   company’s executives and experts and
       the field rose 2.3% since a resources report last   intake and changing the arrangement of the   considering the unit’s capabilities and
       year to reach $10.8 billion.        unit’s furnaces.                     alternative and available feedstock, ethylene
         Delek Drilling, which has a 45.34% stake   According to the facility, the company   production problems have been largely
       in the project, said its share of revenue will be   minimized the unit’s energy intensity while   resolved.
       around $760 million.                optimizing productivity of the same unit in   SHANA
         The field’s operator, Noble Energy   such a way that its output is over 90% of the

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