Page 17 - DMEA Week 10 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              who understood well before us politicians the   Company, Mohammad Saeidian said: “The
                                           stakes of this fight.”               11th refinery of the South Pars Gas Complex
       Senegal leaders call for            understands why young people had taken   (SPGC) is one of the newest refineries in
                                             In his own address, Sall said he
                                                                                the complex, which is now operating at full
       calm as protests continue           to the streets: “Because you don’t have a job,   production tilt and has been able to make a
                                           because you aspire to a better future.”
                                                                                significant contribution to the production
       Both Senegalese President Macky Sall and   Protests, which have included the burning   portfolio of SPGC.
       opposition leader Ousmane Sonko urged calm  of Auchan grocery stores, a French-owned   Referring to the production and export of
       Monday, after days of violent protests over   chain, have called out broken promises by Sall   products in this refinery, he said: “Since the
       Sonko’s arrest left five people dead.  and drawn attention to youth unemployment.  beginning of the year, more than 13 thousand
         Sonko, who was charged with rape, was   “I maintain that Macky Sall “” what he is   and 102 million cubic meters of gas have
       ordered released Monday by a judge in   doing to the people of Senegal is not what he   been produced and processed in the facility
       the capital, Dakar. Sonko has denied the   promised for us,”  Ousmane Ben Diedhiou, a   and in the same period, more than 257,136
       allegations, and many of his supporters   student and protester in Dakar, said.  tons of ethane has been sent to neighboring
       believe they were invented to keep him off the   all has not publicly acknowledged the   petrochemical plants.”
       presidential ticket in 2024.        violence or theories that he was involved in   The director of the 11th refinery of the
         Addressing the nation for the first time   framing Sonko for the rape charges.  South Pars Gas Complex stated: “With the
       since protests broke out, Sall announced the   Sall defeated Sonko in the 2019 presidential  efforts of the specialists and staff of this
       easing of curfews that had been installed to   elections to win a second term in office.   refinery, since the beginning of this year,
       quell the spread of the coronavirus. Those   Sonko, 46, was the youngest person to run for   17,010 tons of granulated sulfur and nearly 12
       protocols have been wildly unpopular among   president in the country. Despite enthusiastic   million barrels of gas condensate have been
       workers in the informal economy.    support from the younger population, he won   produced.”
         “I will use all the powers conferred on me   just 16% of the vote.       Saeidian pointed to other important
       by my office to support a return to calm,” Sall   Last month, an employee of a massage   measures and achievements in this refinery
       said.                               parlor in Dakar accused Sonko of rape - an   this year, and said breaking the production
         Some protests for Sonko’s release turned   accusation he has denied and many of his   record of 50 million cubic meters of gas per
       into celebrations in the capital early Monday   supporters believe was politically motivated.  day, minimization of the refinery’s flaring,
       when the judge’s decision was revealed.   VOA NEWS                       commissioning and optimization of unit 108
       But larger demonstrations near the city’s                                and reducing the delivery of acid gases to
       center turned violent as protesters set a car                            flare stacks are some of the important and
       on fire and police responded with tear gas.   REFINING                   significant steps of this year.
       Thousands of Sonko supporters marched in                                 SHANA
       the capital Monday.                 South Pars refinery 11 yields
         The rape charge against Sonko remains                                  FG holds summit on
       and protests, which have ballooned to include   13bcm of gas
       grievances about the economy and vaccine                                 artisanal, modular
       distribution, are expected to continue.  The director of the 11th refinery of the South
         Addressing a press conference after his   Pars Gas Complex announced that since the   refineries operations
       release Monday, Sonko urged calm but called   beginning of the current calendar year, which
       for “larger protests”  challenging the state.  began on March 21, more than 13 billion   Ahead of the next month passage of the
         “This is not the fight for Ousmane Sonko,”    cubic meters of gas has been produced and   Petroleum Industry Bill, PIB, by the National
       he said. “We need to hear the message ... of the  processed in the facility.  Assembly, NASS, the Federal Government
       people. We pay tribute to the young people   According to the National Iranian Gas   yesterday, declare its intention to host a

       Week 10   11•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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