Page 4 - DMEA Week 10 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Progress continues

       at Duqm refinery

       Oman’s OQ and its Kuwaiti partner are continuing to make steady progress at its flagship
       refinery project despite the halting of work on the integrated petrochemicals facility.

        MIDDLE EAST      PROGRESS is continuing at the 230,000 bar-  of nine LPG storage tanks for EPC-2 offsite and
                         rel per day (bpd) integrated refinery and pet-  utilities.
                         rochemicals complex at Duqm on Oman’s
       WHAT:             Al-Wusta coast under the watch of its Oman and  Set-up
       Less than 25% of   Kuwait state-affiliated project company.  When it comes into operation, the refinery will
       construction remains   The Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical  produce diesel, jet fuel, naphtha and LPG, and
       outstanding at the   Industries Co., a 50:50 joint venture between  will feature units for hydrocracking, hydrotreat-
       Duqm refinery, with   OQ and Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI),  ing, delayed coking, sulphur recovery, hydrogen
       work ongoing on   began construction in the Special Economic  generation and Merox treating.
       both the facility and   Zone at Duqm (SEZAD) in June 2018. Follow-  Meanwhile, it will use up to 30,000 bpd of
       connecting it with nearby   ing a recent rebranding as OQ8, the company  heavy crude oil to produce 1mn tpy of bitumen,
       infrastructure.   announced last month that the $7bn refining  as well as 600,000 tpy of naphtha, distillates and
                         side of the project had reached 76.67% as of  vacuum gas oil.
       WHY:              the end of 2020 ahead of anticipated start-up in   It will initially be dedicated to processing
       Duqm is a strategically   2022.                        crude oil from the tanks Ras Markaz storage
       important project for   Upon completion, 65% of its feedstock will  facility, which is being developed to the south
       Muscat and will allow   be provided by Kuwait, with local production  of Duqm. The capacity of the first phase of the
       the Sultanate to garner   providing the balance.       facility had been designed to be 8mn barrels, but
       more value from the oil it   OQ announced last week that it had com-  will now be constrained to 6mn barrels.
       produces.         pleted the construction of a $245.5mn gas supply   The Ras Markaz project has an ultimate tar-
                         conduit, connecting the refinery to gas process-  get capacity of 200mn barrels and will be linked
       WHAT NEXT:        ing facilities at Saih Nihayda.      to the refinery by an 80-km pipeline due to be
       Engineering design   The 36-inch (914-mm) diameter, 221-km  commissioned this year, though a moratorium is
       work was halted on the   pipeline has a throughput capacity of 25mn  effectively in place over expansion of the facility.
       integrated petrochemical   cubic metres per day, matching the total capac-  Al-Rumhy told Argus last year: “With the
       facility late last year, and   ity of the Saih Nihayda Gas Plant (SNGP) once  storage and terminal, you build as you go along.
       it is unclear if and when   potential future expansions are carried out.  But yes, it has a capacity of 200mn barrels … the
       it will be resumed.  Meanwhile, Mammoet was awarded a con-  place is huge.”
                         tract last year covering inland and sea transport   The key selling point is the area’s location

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