Page 8 - DMEA Week 10 2021
P. 8
Houthi drones target the heart of Aramco
MIDDLE EAST A weekend attack saw oil export, residential and company’s Dhahran camp, Aramco’s headquar-
office facilities belonging to Saudi Aramco tar- ters and home to the majority of Aramco’s expa-
geted by projectiles in the largest assault on its triate workforce.
Eastern Province operations since September The spokesman said that neither attack had
2019. caused any “injury or loss of life or property” and
In an announcement published by the official Downstream MEA (DMEA) understands that oil
Saudi Press Agency (SPA), a Ministry of Energy loading is continuing unabated. Sources living in
spokesman said that a drone “coming from the the compound told DMEA that they heard a loud
sea” had targeted a tank farm at the port of Ras explosion on Sunday evening.
Tanura, the location of Aramco’s most important The ministry said: “Such acts of sabotage not
oil refining and export infrastructure. only target the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but also
The port is comprised of the Ras Tanura ter- the security and stability of energy supplies to the
minal and the Ju’aymah crude and LPG export world, and therefore, the global economy.”
terminals, and is home to 33mn barrels of crude Yemen’s Houthi militia have claimed respon-
storage. Total export capacity from the facilities sibility for a “wide operation in the heart of Saudi
is around 6.5mn barrels per day (bpd). Arabia”. Houthi spokesman Brigadier-General
Meanwhile, the Ministry added that shrap- Yahya Sarea said that 14 drones and eight ballis-
nel from a ballistic missile had landed near the tic missiles had been fired over the border into
Facilities at Ras Tanura.
Source: Javier Blas/Twitter
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 10 11•March•2021