Page 10 - DMEA Week 10 2021
P. 10

DMEA                                           COMPANIES                                               DMEA

       Sonangol exec comments on

       likely value of upcoming IPO

        AFRICA           BALTAZAR Miguel, the executive adminis-  year. These revenues stemmed from the trade
                         trator of Angola’s national oil company (NOC)  of nine assets and the sale of three properties in
                         Sonangol, said last week that plans for the partial  Portugal, he explained.
                         privatisation of his company might generate at   In the meantime, he said, the company has
                         least $6.5bn in revenues.            committed to unloading stakes in another 34
                           Speaking at an event marking Sonangol’s 45th  assets from its portfolio. These sales are not yet
                         year in business, Miguel noted that the NOC had  completed, he reported, without revealing fur-
                         calculated the value of a 30% stake at $6.5-8.1bn.  ther details.
                         This is based on the company’s own internal esti-  Martins also noted that Sonangol still had
                         mates, which put Sonangol’s total value at $21.8-  equity stakes in several other companies that
                         27.0bn, he said.                     were not involved in oil and gas. It is a share-
                           Angola’s government has said it wants to sell  holder in Unitel, a telecommunications company
                         part of its holdings in Sonangol via an initial  formed by former president Eduardo dos Santos’
                         public offering (IPO) of stock before the end of  daughter Isabel dos Santos, and in a number of
                         2022, he added. Officials in Luanda have already  banks, he said. He named those banks as BAI,
                         begun preparations for this sale in consultation  Banco Economico, BCI, BFA, Caixa Angola and
                         with the international accounting firm Ernst &  Millenium BCP.
                         Young and recently staged their first meeting on   He went on to say that while the NOC
                         the upcoming sale, he stated.        remained committed to divesting its non-core
                           Miguel was speaking at the same event where  assets, it might not always follow a straight path
                         Gaspar Martins, Sonangol’s board chairman,  toward that goal. This is because non-linear
                         reported that the NOC had earned some $48mn  routes may allow the company to “circumvent
                         through the divestment of non-core assets last  the difficulties,” he commented.™

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