Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2021
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
stakeholders of both Rubicon and Innovex – have all of its required financial statements certified RSG will be gathered and processed
together these highly capable organizations filed with OTC Markets over the next 30-45 by Rimrock Energy Partners, a provider of
are now positioned to offer our customers an days. midstream services in the DJ Basin, before
expansive range of high-quality downhole Once completed, the company expects being delivered to Colorado Interstate Gas
products, with a strong presence in every to aggressively pursue several business Company, a Kinder Morgan subsidiary, which
major geographic market, supported by an opportunities that will enhance its business will transport the certified RSG to Colorado
extraordinary team of creative and committed model in 2021, while continuing to build itself Springs Utilities.
men and women.” as a fully diversified holding company. As a member of the ONE Future
INNOVEX DOWNHOLE SOLUTIONS, March 11, EGPI FIRECREEK, March 11, 2021 Coalition, Kinder Morgan is part of a group
2021 of companies working to voluntarily reduce
methane emissions across the natural gas
ENERGY TRANSITION value chain to 1% or less by 2025. Project
MOVES Canary will provide technologies, data
monitoring to measure methane emissions,
EGPI Firecreek announces Colorado energy and independent RSG certification.
organisations launch first-
“Project Canary’s solution dramatically
update on its corporate of-its-kind responsibly transforms how companies measure
environmental performance by combining
status and intent to become sourced natural gas real-time, on-site monitoring with trusted,
independent verification and analysis,” said
current in its OTC listing Project Canary Co-Founder and CEO Chris
Romer. “Sustainability progress in the energy
EGPI Firecreek is pleased to announce its partnership space is evolving rapidly and this exciting pilot
change of corporate domicile to the state A Colorado natural gas producer, an project builds upon Project Canary’s unique
of Texas, and current plans to update its infrastructure operator and local municipal position in the marketplace of delivering
corporate filings, become OTC compliant, and utility have entered into a first-of-its-kind meaningful data-driven solutions.”
retain a Pink Sheet current listing in order to responsibly sourced gas (RSG) pilot project Project Canary has partnered with nearly
create a successful path towards building a with Project Canary, a Denver-based B-Corp two-dozen large exploration and production,
diversified holding company. focused on providing continuous emissions pipeline, and utility companies and deployed
EGPI Firecreek has historically been an oil monitoring data and technologies across the its technology across 100 different well pads,
and gas production company focused on the energy sector. The unique wellhead to burner- including in Colorado, where the state has
recovery and development of oil and natural tip RSG pilot extends across the energy value nation-leading on-site emissions monitoring
gas. This strategy is centred on rehabilitation, chain – from production, transportation regulations.
production enhancement techniques, utilising and marketing of RSG – for consumer and “This partnership will allow us to further
modern management, and state of the art community use locally in Colorado. diversify our energy portfolio and expand our
technology applications in upgrading proven The pilot project will consist of the commitment to environmental stewardship,”
reserves. following: Colorado Springs Utilities, a said Colorado Springs Utilities CEO Aram
Based on the company’s current progress, municipal utility in one of the state’s largest Benyamin. “This is the first of its kind pilot
they have focused their energy on updating its and fastest growing regions, will purchase project in the nation and I’m proud to say we
corporate status and becoming fully compliant certified RSG produced by Bayswater are at the forefront of exploring this newly-
in order to upgrade to Pink Sheet Current on Exploration & Production, a Colorado-based evolving Responsibly Sourced Gas market.”
the OTC markets. The company expects to oil and natural gas development company. The PROJECT CANARY, March 11, 2021
Week 10 12•March•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P15