Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Chevron continues Noble consolidation

       with midstream deal

        US               CHEVRON has struck an agreement to acquire  value in support of our leading positions in the
                         all the outstanding shares of Noble Midstream  DJ [Denver-Julesburg] and Permian basins,”
                         Partners that it does not already own.  stated Chevron Midstream’s vice-president,
                           The super-major already owns a nearly 63%  Colin Parfitt, who also serves as chairman of the
                         majority stake in Noble Midstream, which it  board of directors of Noble Midstream’s general
                         acquired when it took over its parent company,  partner.
                         Noble Energy, in a deal worth $4.1bn last year.   Noble Midstream transports oil, natural gas
                         The midstream unit’s operations were integrated  and water for producers in the DJ and Permian
                         into Chevron after that acquisition closed in  basins, and Chevron is its largest customer. The
                         October.                             super-major previously talked about “efficiently
                           Under the new all-stock deal unveiled last  combining two highly integrated businesses
                         week, Noble Midstream’s shareholders will  while streamlining governance of the [Noble
                         receive 0.1393 of a Chevron share for each  Midstream] assets” when it announced its initial
                         Noble Midstream unit they own. The transac-  takeover offer for the remainder of the unit.
                         tion, which comprises 33.925mn Noble Mid-  The original Chevron-Noble transaction
                         stream shares, is valued at $1.32bn and comes  kicked off a wave of consolidation across the
                         after Chevron made a similar – but slightly  US oil and gas industry as producers sought to
                         smaller – takeover offer around a month ago.  achieve greater scale and additional efficiencies.
                         It is anticipated to close in the second quarter  Some of the major transactions announced dur-
                         of this year.                        ing that wave have only closed in recent weeks,
                           “We believe this buy-in transaction is the  including ConocoPhillips’ acquisition of Con-
                         best solution for all stakeholders, enabling us to  cho Resources and Pioneer Natural Resources’
                         simplify the governance structure and capture  takeover of Parsley Energy.™


       Tourmaline CEO sees more

       oilpatch M&A opportunities

        WESTERN          TOURMALINE Oil’s CEO, Mike Rose, believes   Tourmaline’s production averaged 336,325
        CANADA           that there are still plenty of oil and gas acquisition  boepd over the fourth quarter, making a 12%
                         targets in Western Canada currently, but warned  year-on-year increase from 299,844 boepd in the
                         that this could change if crude prices continue  same quarter of 2019. The company says its pro-
                         their upward trajectory.             duction has now risen to 405,000-410,000 boepd.
                           Indeed, Tourmaline completed four corpo-  The company also posted improved earnings
                         rate acquisitions in 2020, and Rose said on the  for the fourth quarter of 2020, at CAD629mn
                         company’s fourth-quarter earnings call that  ($501mn), more than 10 times the CAD61.3mn
                         it was looking at several more potential ones,  ($48.9mn) reported for the same quarter of 2019.
                         though this may not lead to new deals in the end.  Tourmaline is Canada’s largest producer of
                           “There still are lots of opportunities,” Rose  natural gas. It is also planning to decarbonise
                         said. “If oil prices continue to run and solidify,  by converting its drilling and well-completion
                         then perhaps that pipeline of opportunity slows  operations to run on gas instead of diesel. One of
                         down. But right now, we’re always busy evaluat-  the company’s rigs is already operating entirely
                         ing, and we only transact on a very small propor-  on electric power but, according to Rose, this
                         tion of the things that we look at.”  would be difficult to replicate owing to the lim-
                           The deals Tourmaline closed last year include  ited power infrastructure in many of the areas
                         the acquisitions of private producers Modern  where Tourmaline operates.
                         Resources and Jupiter Resources in the fourth   Given a more bullish outlook, Tourma-
                         quarter. These acquisitions, worth a combined  line has opted to increase its dividend from
                         CAD526mn ($419mn) in cash and shares,  CAD0.14 ($0.11) per share per quarter to
                         added production of 76,000 barrels of oil equiv-  CAD0.16 ($0.13) per share, starting in the first
                         alent per day.                       quarter of this year.™

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