Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                           The Trump administration had taken careful  down on trying to move oil to market. Rather,
                         note of these attempts and responded to them  there are questions about just how much the
                         by trying to block every avenue towards transac-  national oil company (NOC) PdVSA has been
                         tions involving Venezuelan crude oil. For exam-  selling recently.
                         ple, it extended the sanctions regime to cover   According to a Bloomberg report published
                         traders that were acting as middlemen for the  earlier this week, ship-tracking data and ship-
                         sale of Venezuelan oil to buyers in China and  ping reports indicate that Venezuelan oil
                         elsewhere, and it threatened to do the same to  exports dropped to 418,857 barrels per day
                         shipping companies and financial service pro-  (bpd) in February, down by 13% on the previ-
                         viders that facilitated the export of Venezuelan  ous month. However, other sources have sug-
                         production. In August 2020, it went so far as to  gested something quite different. For example,
                         seize a group of Venezuela-bound tankers car-  Refinitiv Eikon data cited by Reuters indicate
                         rying gasoline from Iran, another country fac-  that the South American state exported a total
                         ing US sanctions.                    of 732,107 bpd of crude oil and petroleum prod-  The official’s
                           It also remained intent on following this  ucts in February, up by 35% month on month.
                         course even after Biden’s successful election bid.  Reuters said that the increase had been driven   statements seem
                         In mid-January, just a few days before Trump  partly by a 33% jump in the volume of residual   to indicate that
                         left office, it penalised a Maltese trading com-  fuel oil shipments to Asia, but it also put Vene-
                         pany, Elemento Ltd, on charges of reselling  zuela’s total crude exports at 568,200 bpd and   there will be
                         Venezuelan oil, and also sanctioned Swissoil  indicated that volumes had gone up from Janu-
                         Trading, a Swiss company, for allegedly “dop-  ary to February.           broad continuity
                         ing” Venezuelan crude cargoes – that is, adding   The discrepancy between the Reuters and
                         chemicals to disguise their origin.  Bloomberg figures is not easy to explain and   of policy with
                                                              may arise from the fact that the two news agen-  respect to US
                         Circumventing sanctions?             cies are drawing on different sources. It is worth
                         The Biden administration has not revealed  noting, though, that Reuters pointed to an   sanctions on
                         whether it is willing to take a similar approach.  uptick in the volume of Venezuelan oil handled
                         That is, it has not said whether it will follow  by little-known trading firms that some mari-  Venezuela.
                         Trump’s lead in extending the threat of sanctions  time observers have described as “phantom
                         to companies not directly involved in the pro-  companies” – and that it mentioned an increase
                         duction, processing or purchase of Venezuelan  in fuel oil shipments. These reports may indi-
                         crude.                               cate that Maduro’s regime is actually stepping
                           The new president may have to make deci-  up efforts to circumvent US sanctions. If so, US
                         sions on this front soon, since there are no signs  authorities should consider how and whether
                         that Maduro and his supporters are backing  they intend to react.™

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