Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       US LNG in pursuit of

       competitive edge

       Last week’s CERAWeek by IHS Markit conference

       heard how current and future producers of US LNG

       are trying to get ahead of the global competition

        US               RISING competition in the global LNG market   De-bottlenecking  is also  helping reduce
                         has been evident for some time, and a number  Cheniere’s emissions intensity, at a time when
       WHAT:             of countries has emerged as major suppliers of  the company is trying to do more to burnish
       US LNG producers   the super-chilled fuel in recent years, including  its environmental credentials. It announced in
       are taking a variety   the US. Last week, audiences at the CERAWeek  February that it would start supplying emissions
       of approaches to give   by IHS Markit conference, which was held virtu-  data associated with its cargoes to buyers.
       themselves a competitive   ally for the first time amid the ongoing corona-  “As we get better with optimising our main-
       edge.             virus (COVID-19) pandemic, heard about what  tenance and we get better at de-bottlenecking
                         certain US LNG producers are doing in order  those trains, that carbon intensity number
       WHY:              to give themselves an edge in this increasingly  comes down very dramatically,” Fusco said.
       Competition in the   competitive market.                Looking ahead, he expects Cheniere to con-
       global market has risen   The approaches are varied, but the outlook for  tinue driving innovation, especially on climate.
       considerably in recent   US LNG exports over the long term appears to  “We’ve been a leader in US LNG. We’re going
       years.            be bullish across the board. Indeed, the recent  to maintain that leadership position and we’re
                         LNG spot price spike in Asia amid high winter  going to drive the industry to be more sustain-
       WHAT NEXT:        demand and supply shortages appears to have  able and to quantify and be more transparent
       LNG producers believe   renewed interest in long-term contracts. Both  on its overall carbon emissions,” Fusco said. He
       their fuel will be needed   new LNG developers and existing ones that  added that his company would continue trying
       for many years to come   wish to expand their liquefaction capacity could  to meet its customers’ needs, whatever those are.
       and will complement   stand to benefit.                 “Whether it’s short-term contracts, mid-term
       renewables.                                            contracts, long-term contracts – we’re going
                         Competitive edge                     to be there to meet those customers’ require-
                         There are various steps LNG producers can take  ments,” he said.
                         to be competitive, and US players are illustrat-  Cheniere is well-established at the forefront
                         ing this. Cheniere Energy – the first and largest  of the US LNG export industry, but even those  De-bottlenecking
                         exporter of LNG in the Lower 48 US states – has  that are only now preparing to join the ranks of
                         taken steps to expand capacity at its existing liq-  US exporters are talking up their competitive   is also helping
                         uefaction trains, even as it continues building  advantages. Also speaking at CERAWeek was   reduce Cheniere’s
                         new trains.                          Venture Global LNG’s executive co-chairman
                           “We’ve been able to increase the output of our  and CEO, Michael Sabel, who touted his com-  emissions
                         trains by roughly 12%,” Cheniere’s president and  pany’s cost-cutting efforts as it builds the Calca-
                         CEO, Jack Fusco, said during a CERAWeek ple-  sieu Pass export terminal, which is due to enter   intensity.
                         nary session. He went on to say that by the time  service in 2022.
                         Cheniere had all nine trains operating across its   “We’re taking advantage of the entire US gas
                         two Gulf Coast export terminals, it would actu-  production E&P space, as well as the hundreds
                         ally have 10 trains’ worth of production.  of thousands of miles of embedded pipeline
                           “Just through our de-bottlenecking efforts  infrastructure,” Sabel said. He went on to say
                         we’ve been able to create – I call it a virtual  that building a liquefaction plant next to a gas
                         train – another 5mn tonnes,” he said. “Those  market was helping Venture Global with its
                         ‘portfolio tonnes’, we’ll say, that aren’t used to  focus on driving down costs, and indeed that it
                         help finance infrastructure, we’ve been very  could leverage cost-cutting successes further up
                         successful at selling into some of the markets  the gas supply chain.
                         that maybe aren’t as creditworthy and they need   But beyond this, his company is focused on
                         natgas,” Fusco continued. “We’re happy to help  how to make the liquefaction part of the sup-
                         meet their needs on a shorter-term basis if we  ply chain less expensive, he said. According to
                         don’t have to use it to build our infrastructure.”  him, Venture Global took a different approach

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   12•March•2021
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