Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         to many others in the industry by designing a  owned Freeport LNG’s chairman and CEO,
                         smaller plant that could still capture the bene-  Michael Smith, noted the need for security
                         fits of scale without becoming overwhelmed by  of supply in a balanced portfolio, which has
                         costs.                               become more apparent following the winter
                           “We took the scale down, so while big enough  price spike in Asia.
                         to get benefits from scale, [it was] small enough   “I think last year proved one thing, that
                         that you could push the process system fabri-  there’s been an over-reliance on spot cargoes in
                         cation into batteries, get traditional factory  our industry,” Smith said. “The spot cargoes are
                         benefits by doing that, benefits in terms of  here to stay. They’re great. It helps the diversity
                         lower costs and lower risk from also bringing  of supply, but if you’re a utility and security of
                         the scale down,” he said. “What came out of the  supply is the most important thing, you just
                         factories had to be small enough that you could  need some long-term contracts,” he continued.
                         transport it complete to site and plug it in,” Sabel   “In a balanced portfolio, you can’t just live on
                         added, saying this allowed Venture Global to  spot. And I think that’s what this year showed
                         avoid more expensive construction of the type  and we’re seeing interest again in long-term
                         required by many other global facilities.  contracts for our Train 4 because of it,” Smith
                           The company’s modular approach means  said, adding that he believed that others will see
                         Calcasieu Pass LNG consists of 18 small-scale  similar interest in long-term contracts too.  There are just
                         trains in total, of which the fifth has just been   This trend bodes well both for existing pro-
                         plugged in, according to Sabel. The seventh and  ducers such as Freeport that wish to expand   over 40 countries
                         eighth trains will be plugged in over the next few  their liquefaction capacity, and new players   that use LNG
                         weeks, he said.                      that are still targeting final investment decisions
                           With this modular approach, a lot of costs and  (FIDs) on their first export terminal. Cheniere’s   currently, and
                         aspects of construction were shifted into a fac-  Fusco also sounded an optimistic note over
                         tory environment. “From an on-site perspective,  demand for US LNG over the coming years.  Cheniere expects
                         from a construction risk perspective, relative to   “We see huge demand growth potential in
                         other US projects of our size, you have dramati-  Asia right now,” he said, citing China’s electri-  that this will
                         cally lower labour on-site as a result,” Sabel said.  fication plan, which involves increasing natural   “rapidly” climb to
                         “Instead of 13,000 people for 3-4 years at peak  gas-fired combined-cycle power generation, as
                         on your construction site, our peak’s around  a major driver. “If they’re successful, that could   over 60.
                         3,000 people, and in fact we’re already starting  be three more Chenieres,” he said. “The demand
                         to come down off peak here next month.” This  is phenomenal for the product.”
                         reduces risk as well as cost, he explained.  According to Fusco, there are just over 40
                                                              countries that use LNG currently, and Cheniere
                         What next?                           expects that this will “rapidly” climb to over
                         Venture Global’s approach differs from  60. If this plays out, demand trends will work
                         Cheniere’s, but both companies sounded opti-  in LNG producers’ favour – in the US and else-
                         mistic about their prospects, as did other LNG  where – as they sanction and build the next
                         players represented at CERAWeek. Privately  wave of liquefaction capacity.™

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