Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 07 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       “As a leader in offshore classification, with a long
       track record of supporting industry innovations,
       ABS is delighted to add this project from HHI
       to that proud list. As the classification society of
       choice for offshore production units, we are well-
       placed to understand the challenges of operat-
       ing these highly technical assets,” says Matt
       Tremblay, ABS Senior Vice President, Global
         “With these ABS certificates from the strin-
       gent evaluation process, we are very confident
       that HHI’s standard FSO design provides more
       affordable CAPEX with more reliable system
       stability and safety and a firm commitment to
       compliance with Mexico Regulatory Require-
       ment,” says Seon Mook Lim, Senior Vice Presi-
       dent, Shipbuilding & Offshore Division at HHI.
       “Further, our newly developed product provides
       great value, helping to protect profitability from
       engineering, procurement and construction  polyduct network and is significantly increasing  the main stages of divestments are disclosed to
       project risks and enabling extension to condi-  its share of bio-fuels. This press release contains  the market in accordance with its Divestment
       tions of the Gulf of Mexico environment, with  statements relating to business prospects, esti-  Guidelines, validated by the Federal Court of
       minimal design changes,” Tremblay adds.  mates of operating and financial results, and  Accounts (TCU), which is based on Decree
       ABS, February 11 2021               Ecopetrol’s growth prospects. All are projec-  9,188/17, and that these rules do not require the
                                           tions, and therefore are based solely on manage-  disclosure of internal schedules.
                                           ment’s expectations of the company’s future and   Petrobras, February 11 2021
       INVESTMENT                          its continuous access to capital to finance its sales
                                           plan. Achieving these estimates in the future
       Ecopetrol signs exclusivity         depends on its performance under given market  MOVES
                                           conditions, regulations, competition, the perfor-
       agreement with the Ministry         mance of the Colombian economy and industry,   Canacol Energy appoints
                                           and other factors; therefore, they are subject to
       of Finance and Public Credit        change without prior notice.         Juan Argento to board of
                                           Ecopetrol, February 16 2021
       Ecopetrol reports that further to what was                               directors
       disclosed to the market last February 8, 2021,   Petrobras comments
       regarding the acceptance by the Ministry of                              Canacol Energy is pleased to announce that
       Finance and Public Credit of the Non-Binding   on refinery sales         Juan Argento has been appointed to the Board
       Offer presented by Ecopetrol for the acquisition                         of Directors.
       of 51.4% of the outstanding shares of Intercon-  Petrobras, regarding a piece of news published   Argento brings deep experience in energy,
       exión Eléctrica (ISA), Ecopetrol and the Minis-  on the media about the sale of the refineries,  finance and capital markets to the Board of
       try of Finance and Public Credit entered into an  clarifies that the dates for the signing of the pur-  Directors of Canacol. He is currently one of two
       Exclusivity Agreement on February 12, 2021.  chase and sale agreement and for their effective  Managing Partners at Horizon Capital. Horizon
         Pursuant to this Exclusivity Agreement, the  transfer to the buyers (respectively signing and  was founded in 2004 as an advisory and princi-
       parties will enter into preliminary non-binding  closing) are merely internal estimates subject  pal investment firm focused on the Latin Amer-
       discussions on the terms and conditions of the  to non-negligible risks of change, since they  ican energy industry.
       potential transaction. The exclusivity period  depend on many variables and can change   Prior to joining Horizon, Argento was an
       is initially scheduled to end on June 30, 2021,  according to the timeline of each project and the  advisor to Millennium Global, a London-based
       unless the parties mutually agree to extend it.  evolution of the negotiations.  hedge fund group. Argento advised Millennium
       During this period, Ecopetrol will perform due   It is worth clarifying that the signing of the  with regards to investments in public and pri-
       diligence activities on ISA and the Ministry of  purchase and sale agreement for RLAM (Lan-  vate markets. He was particularly active in oil
       Finance and Public Credit is committed to nego-  dulpho Alves Refinery), in Bahia, as well as for  and gas, mining and agriculture. Prior to Mil-
       tiate exclusively with Ecopetrol.   all the refineries, is subject to the approval of  lennium, Argento worked for Rubikon Partners,
         Ecopetrol is Colombia’s largest firm and is  Petrobras’ Board of Directors. As for the closing  a mid-market private equity firm, focused on the
       an integrated oil company that is among the 50  of the transactions, it is worth noting that their  European market.
       largest in the world and the four largest in Latin  conclusion also depends on external approvals   In 2000, Argento was the sole founder of Cir-
       America. In addition to Colombia, where it gen-  such as of the Administrative Council for Eco-  culo Asegurador, one of the first online insur-
       erates over 60% of the country’s production, it  nomic Defence (CADE) and other regulatory  ance brokers in South America, with operations
       is active in exploration and production in Bra-  bodies, as may be required.  in Brazil and Argentina. Prior to that, in 1997,
       zil, Peru and the United States (Gulf of Mex-  Petrobras reaffirms its commitment to a  Argento was an early recruit of Texas Pacific
       ico). Ecopetrol operates the largest refinery in  broad transparency of its divestment projects  Group and worked for their Newbridge Latin
       Colombia, most of the country’s oil-pipeline and  and portfolio management and reinforces that  America fund.

       Week 07   18•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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