Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 07 2021
P. 17

LatAmOil                      NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                        LatAmOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup  Global 2050, from the current 33.3mn tpy.
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join
                         our team of international editors, who provide a
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  FSU OGM: Rosneft endures tough 2020
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  Russia’s biggest oil producer Rosneft suffered a
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  near 80% drop in net profit in 2020, it reported
                         link for each section the full text will be available  on February 12, as the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         as before.                           pandemic sapped fuel demand and caused prices
                                                              to collapse.
                         AfrOil: Forward movement in Uganda     The state-owned firm reported a RUB147bn
                         Uganda’s government is turning its attention to  ($2bn) net income for the year, versus
                         plans for extracting and exporting crude oil from  RUB705mn  in  2019.  Beyond  weaker  prices,
                         fields near Lake Albert. Robert Kasande, the per-  its oil and condensate production was cut by
                         manent secretary of the Ministry of Energy and  11.1% to 4.11mn barrels per day (bpd), owing
                         Mineral Development, says he expects a final  to Russia’s OPEC+ commitments. Rosneft’s 2020
                         investment decision (FID) on the project by the  revenues sank 33.6% to RUB5.76 trillion, while
                         middle of March.                     EBITDA was down 42.6% at RUB1.2 trillion.
                           Meanwhile, two Ugandan government agen-
                         cies have teamed up district-level administra-
                         tions to promote domestic firms’ involvement  GLNG: Corpus Christi LNG’s Train 3 ready
                         in the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP).  to enter service
                                                              Cheniere Energy has asked  the  US Federal
                                                              Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for
                         AsianOil: Petronas starts up second LNG  permission to put the third train at the Cor-
                         facility                             pus Christi LNG export terminal in Texas into
                         Malaysia’s state-owned Petronas has started pro-  service.
                         duction at its second floating liquefied natural   The train has already been operating in test
                         gas (FLNG) facility, which is moored offshore  mode for several months, and the commission-
                         Sabah State.                         ing cargo was loaded in December. In its filing
                           The major said on February 15 that PFLNG  last week, Cheniere asked the FERC to approve
                         DUA had produced and liquefied its first gas  its request as soon as possible, and no later than
                         from the deepwater Rotan field, which lies 140  March 12.
                         km off Kota Kinabalu, on February 6.

                                                              MEOG:  ADNOC  block  and  Turkish  pursuit
                         DMEA: Qatar bucks trend with $29bn LNG  Activities in the Middle East oil and gas sector
                         expansion                            over the last week were highlighted by another
                         LNG frontrunner Qatar has signed off on a  block award in Abu Dhabi and efforts by Turkish
                         $29bn expansion of its liquefaction capacity, at a  Petroleum Corp. (TPAO) to secure a partner for
                         time when most other suppliers are holding back  the development of its major Black Sea gas field.
                         on new investments.                    As part of its second competitive bid round,
                           State-owned Qatar Petroleum (QP) took a  Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) awarded
                         final investment decision (FID) on February 8  Offshore Block 4 to Cosmo Energy of Japan. The
                         on North Field East (NFE), which will expand  company is already the majority owner of the
                         Qatar’s LNG production capacity from 77mn to  Abu Dhabi Oil Co. (ADOC) which holds the
                         110mn tonnes per year (tpy).         emirate’s sole upstream concession in Abu Dhabi
                                                              to be wholly owned by foreign shareholders
                         EurOil: New Shell strategy doubles down
                         on zero-carbon drive                 NorthAmOil: Freezing US weather disrupts
                         Royal Dutch Shell has announced a new strategy  T exas production, refining
                         that puts more emphasis on reaching its net-zero  Below-freezing weather is disrupting both
                         2050 target. But while the major plans to wind  upstream and downstream operations in the
                         down its oil business steadily over the coming  US. The extreme cold is proving particularly
                         years and decades, it is targeting a 20% growth  troublesome in states such as Texas, which are
                         in LNG production by 2025.           unaccustomed to such weather.
                           Shell sees its oil output gradually diminish-  Oil production in the Permian Basin, which
                         ing by 1-2% each year, as a result of divestments  straddles Texas and New Mexico, was reported
                         and natural decline. It also intends to boost LNG  to have fallen by around 1mn barrels per day
                         exports by a further 7mn tonnes per year by  (bpd) on February 15 as a result of the freeze. ™

       Week 07   18•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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