Page 4 - DMEA Week 34 2022
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Nigeria rolls out gas-based
energy transition strategy
Abuja’s new Energy Transition Plan, unveiled on August 24, calls for using gas as the primary
means of bringing net carbon emissions down to zero and eliminating energy poverty by 2060
NIGERIA’S government has rolled out a new expand access to electricity, Environment Min-
plan for bringing net carbon emissions down ister Mohammed Abdullahi declared at the
WHAT: to zero by 2060. The initiative, which calls for event.
Nigeria has unveiled its using natural gas as a bridge fuel, is both ambi- “As a continent, we must reject proscriptive,
Energy Transition Plan. tious and expensive. one-size-fits-all solutions,” he remarked.
Federal authorities unveiled the Energy Nigerian officials said at the August 24 cere-
WHY: Transition Plan (ETP) at a ceremony on August mony that the plan for reaching net zero by 2060
The plan sees gas as the 24, explaining that they hoped to accomplish was designed to ensure that all of the country’s
main bridge fuel. two goals – decarbonisation and eliminating 200mn-plus citizens were supplied with electric
energy poverty throughout the country. power by 2030. (Currently, about 90mn Nige-
WHAT NEXT: These objectives are inseparable, as Afri- rians still lack access to electricity, and many of
Finding enough funding is can countries should not and will not pursue those who have it are dependent on diesel-fired
likely to prove difficult. any paths toward energy transition that do not generators.)
P4 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 34 25•August•2022