Page 5 - DMEA Week 34 2022
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         Gas-based solutions                    Nigeria will need a significant amount of
                         The country intends to use a mix of fossil fuels   outside assistance with respect to financing and
                         and renewable energy to achieve the goal of uni-  private-sector investment to reach its targets,
                         versal power access. However, it will lean heavily   Ahmed added.
                         on gas, which it possesses in abundance.  So far, she said, the country has not had
                           Nigeria has the largest gas resources in   enough of either to build up its domestic gas
                         Africa. Its proven reserves amount to more than   infrastructure to the desired levels. “Access to
                         200 trillion cubic feet (5.7 trillion cubic metres),   finance remains the biggest challenge to decar-
                         and officials in Abuja have said that the number   bonisation,” she stated.
                         has the potential to triple with further explora-
                         tion of deepwater fields and other frontier prov-  No clear solutions
                         inces. To this end, the federal government has   It is not yet clear where Abuja hopes to obtain
                         launched a wide-ranging “Decade of Gas” initi-  the necessary funds.
                         ative designed to promote domestic gas develop-  The World Bank did announce at the August
                         ment and utilisation.                24 event that it intended to invest $1.5bn in
                           The gas programme has many natural syn-  Nigeria to support clean cooking, renewable
                         ergies with the decarbonisation plan. Even so,   energy and power sector reform projects. Like-
                         the strategy that Nigeria is looking to follow is   wise, the US-based solar power company Sun
                         an expensive one.                    Africa said it was on track to finish negotiations
                                                              with the US Export-Import Bank (Eximbank)
                         High costs                           on a $1.5bn financing deal in the near future.
                         Finance Minister Zainab Ahmed acknowledged   However, neither party divulged details
                         this, saying at the ceremony on August 24 that   about the projects in questions nor said when
                         the cost of reaching net zero by 2060 was likely to   funds might become available for ETP. Addi-
                         reach $1.9 trillion. This figure includes $410bn   tionally, Reuters reported that Shubham Chaud-
                         beyond the country’s usual projected expendi-  huri, the World Bank’s country director for
                         tures, equivalent to an extra $10bn per year, she   Nigeria, had hinted that “policy and institutional
                         stated.                              reforms” might be a prerequisite for aid. ™

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