Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 03 2022
P. 13

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       of Azerbaijan, SOCAR and Axens have a   “As a reminder, the Yamal contract was   oil transportation increased by 29% (1.5mn
       long-term co-operation. In particular, the   agreed upon in 1996 and calls for exports   tonnes) compared to December 2020. In
       construction of diesel fuel hydrotreatment,   of 9.8 bcm [bn cubic metres] per annum   particular, both oil transit (by 28.1%, to 1.2mn
       gasoline hydrotreatment and C4 (butane-  to Poland on a take-or-pay basis, with the   tonnes) and oil transportation volumes to
       butylene) fraction hydrogenation as part   minimum volume set at 8.7 bcm pa,” Sova   Ukrainian oil refineries (33.2%, to 267,000
       of the BOR reconstruction project, the C3   Capital commented on January 17.  tonnes) have increased, the company noted.
       (propane-propylene) fraction hydrogenation   Sova Capital does not expect any exports   The route Pivdennyi Sea Oil Terminal–
       unit as part of the reconstruction of the   to Poland starting from 2023, and views the   Brody–Mozyr oil refinery was launched
       Azerkhimiya production association, the   arbitration effort by Gazprom as “neutral at   in 2020 to add additional capacity to the
       naphtha hydrotreater, hydrotreatment of   this juncture”.                Ukrainian oil transportation system. In the
       diesel fuel and hydrotreatment of kerosene   “Gazprom could use Poland’s inconsistency  span of two years, 1.6mn tonnes of oil were
       at the Turkish refinery STAR was carried out   on the issue as an argument in its favour, as   transported via this pipeline.
       under licence from Axens.           Poland previously sought to unlink gas prices   Havrylenko announced plans to expand
         “Also, some time ago, SOCAR Turkiye’s   to oil products as the original contract was   the tank farm of the Pivdennyi Sea Oil
       AR-GE Research Center and Axens started   still in place, and Poland asked Gazprom   Terminal in September 2020, with the
       work to identify opportunities for co-  to lower prices in October 2021, as they are   installation of four tanks with a capacity of
       operation in the field of research and identify   linked to hub prices, which were above oil-  120,000 tonnes each.
       common interests,” the statement says.   linked prices,” the analysts at Sova argue.  Internal oil transportation to Ukrainian oil
       As reported, in 2022 SOCAR will receive   At the same time, the move by Gazprom   refineries has been gradually expanding since
       AZN214mn (~$126mn) from the state budget   could also have some geopolitical   2016. However, Ukraine does not produce
       for the modernisation of the BOR. As part of   connotations, Sova Capital believes.    a large volume of oil, importing most of its
       the modernisation, the State Oil Company   “The ongoing battle between Gazprom and   needs from Russia and Belarus.
       of Azerbaijan plans to start producing diesel   PGNiG over gas prices is mostly about past   As part of the 2021 energy sector reforms
       fuel in accordance with Euro-5 standards at   deliveries, not future, and Europe’s pending   the government liberalised access for gas
       the Baku Oil Refinery in mid-2022, gasoline   regulatory approval of Nord Stream 2, which   producing companies to large and promising
       in accordance with Euro-5 standards in   Poland bitterly opposes,” BCS Global Markets   oil and gas fields both onshore and offshore.
       2023. This will complete the current stage of   commented.                 Naftogaz unites the largest oil and gas
       modernisation of the BOR. After that, the   VTB Capital (VTBC) also treats the news   companies in Ukraine. The group is a
       plant will produce AI-92 and AI-95 types of   as not market-moving, noting that “history   monopoly for the storage of natural gas
       gasoline.                           suggests that the court is unlikely to take a   in underground storage facilities and the
         SOCAR expects to complete the     decision soon”.                      transportation of oil by pipeline throughout
       reconstruction and modernisation of the   VTBC also reminds that PGNiG had stated   the country.
       BOR by 2024-2025. After modernisation, the   earlier that it did not plan to renew its contract
       plant will produce 2.2mn tonnes per year of   with Gazprom beyond 2022, replacing it
       motor gasoline instead of the current 1.2mn   with LNG from Qatar and the US, as well as   Moldovagaz pays Gazprom
       tpy, diesel fuel at 2.9mn tpy instead of the   pipeline deliveries from the North Sea. VTBC
       current 1.9mn tpy, jet fuel at 1mn tpy instead   maintained a Hold call on Gazprom shares,   for gas sent in December
       of the current 600,000 tpy, and petrochemical   with BCS GM and Sova Capital having a Buy
       products at 390,000 tpy instead of the current   recommendation..        Moldova’s gas transport and distribution
       112,000 tpy.                                                             company Moldovagaz said that it already
         The cost of the project for modernisation                              paid Gazprom for the natural gas delivered in
       and reconstruction of the BOR was estimated   Ukraine transports record oil   December, thanks to the end-users who paid
       at $2.2bn.                                                               in advance their bills.
                                                                                  However, the company still has to pay the
                                           volume to refineries                 advance payment for January by January 20,
       Gazprom files arbitration           Ukrtransnafta, Ukraine’s state-run pipeline   meaning half of the estimated deliveries in the
                                           operator, transported a decade-high volume
                                                                                first month of the year.
       against PGNiG over price            of oil to Ukrainian oil refineries in 2021, with   increased significantly to nearly $650 per
                                                                                  The price charged by Gazprom for January
                                           an annual total of 3mn tonnes (15% more
       Russian natural gas giant Gazprom filed for an   than 2020), announced Naftogaz in a press   1,000 cubic metres, namely $200 more
       arbitration in the Stockholm Arbitral Tribunal   statement on 14 January.  compared to the price paid in December
       against Polish PGNiG, contesting the price   “Significant development of oil   (initially media reported a $100 monthly
       for the Yamal supplies contract which was up   transportation to Ukrainian oil refineries   increase based on assumptions of a December
       for revision in December 2017 and November   and storage of transportation via Pivdennyi   2021 price estimated at $550, which eventually
       2020, Vedomosti daily reported.     Sea Oil Terminal–Brody–Mozyr oil refinery   turned out to be $450).
         As followed by bne IntelliNews, the debate   helped load the capacities of the Ukrainian   Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu said
       around Russian involvement in Europe has   oil transportation system and keep total   he had asked Gazprom CEO Aleksei Miller
       reached a new intensity recently amidst   transportation volumes at the level of   to consider the possibility of postponing the
       skyrocketing gas prices, the expected start   previous years,” noted director-general of   advanced payment for January by 10-20 days
       of Nord Stream 2 and the threat of an open   Ukrtransnafta Mykola Havrylenko.  so that Moldovagaz could accumulate funds.
       conflict in Ukraine.                   At the same time, oil transit via pipeline   Last November, Gazprom was close to
         Poland notified Gazprom in 2019 that   transport across the territory of Ukraine   discontinuing its gas supplies to Moldova
       it does not intend to renew the contract. In   dropped in 2021 by 3.2% to 12.7mn tonnes.  as Moldovagaz was a couple of days late in
       2020, Gazprom lost in arbitration and was   The total volume of oil transportation in   paying its monthly bill...
       forced to pay PGNiG $1.5bn and change its   2021 was 15.7mn tonnes, 0.2% less than 2020.
       price formula to the spot-linked calculation.  In December 2021, the total volume of

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