Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 03 2022
P. 14

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Novatek kicks off 2022 with         surprisingly robust international gas pricing   Tengiz, and production facilities are operating
                                              “For catalysts, we are looking for
                                                                                at normal rates,” Chevron said.
       LNG deals                           come summer due to heavy European storage   barrels per day (bpd) in January-November
                                                                                  Tengiz crude production averaged 565,000
                                           refill, and to potential further announcements
       Russian gas major Novatek has announced   around Novatek’s slate of new LNG and   2021. A state-owned monitoring website that
       two new long-term liquefied natural gas   petrochem projects on the Yamal and Gydan   posts daily Kazakh production levels showed
       (LNG) sale and purchase agreements (SPAs)   Peninsulas,” the analysts wrote.  a 77,000 bpd drop in crude and condensate
       with Chinese companies for the LNG                                       production on January 9 compared to
       produced by the Arctic LNG 2 project.                                    December 30 before the protests began. .
         The total deliveries will amount to up   Botas agrees to deliver gas
       to 1.6mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG
       contracted by Zhejiang Energy Group (up to   to SOCAR Turkey             Taliban set to sign final
       1mn tpy for a period of 15 years) and by ENN
       Natural Gas (0.6mn tpy for 11 years).   Turkey’s state-owned Petroleum Pipeline   agreements for TAPI
         As reported by bne IntelliNews, Arctic   Corporation (botas) will deliver up to
       LNG-2 has secured €9.5bn ($11bn) in external  1.7bn cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas by   The final seven agreements on the TAPI
       financing, meaning it now has all funding   December 31, 2024 to Azerbaijan-controlled   (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-
       necessary to finish construction. The project   SOCAR Turkey, official news service Anadolu   India) gas pipeline project will soon be
       will entail three liquefaction trains (6.6mn tpy   Agency has reported.   concluded and signed by the Taliban-led
       capacity each) with commissioning scheduled   Under a memorandum of understanding   Afghan government, Afghanistan’s Tolo News
       for 2023-25.                        signed by the Turkish and Azerbaijani energy   reported on January 11, citing the country’s
         In 2021 Novatek had already signed an   ministries on December 22, Botas will deliver   foreign ministry.
       SPA with Shenergy Group for the delivery of   natural gas to cover the needs of a group   The announcement was made the day after
       around 3mn tpy for 15 years, and reportedly   companies under SOCAR Turkey.  Taliban ministers said they would arrange
       signed an SPA with Repsol for 1mn tpy   The price of the gas volumes that Botas will   for 30,000 fighters to provide security for
       for 15 years, while also reportedly having   send include the import price of the existing   the infrastructure project. Attacks could be
       unconfirmed agreements with traders Vitol   gas sales and the purchase contract (SPA)   mounted, for instance, by Islamic State –
       (1mn tpy) and Glencore (0.6mn tpy).   already in place. Additionally, the import price  Khorasan Province (ISKP) terrorists who see
         Sberbank CIB believes that the two new   will cover the transportation tariff and other   the Taliban as a foe.
       SPAs with Chinese companies demonstrate   transportation costs incurred by Botas in   There remain doubts as to whether
       that reasonable progress is being made with   Turkey, and all applicable taxes, according to   sufficient finance can be secured to complete
       marketing Arctic LNG 2’s output. Of the   the news service.              the TAPI investment. For the Afghanistan
       company’s share of future LNG from the   The parties are expected to utilise the   leg of the pipeline, the Taliban has said funds
       Arctic LNG-2 project, the portion that has   full available capacity of the Baku-Tbilisi-  based on a foreign loan will be drawn in line
       been contracted on a long-term basis has risen  Erzurum and Trans Anatolian Natural Gas   with Afghanistan’s budget for the current
       to 24% if only including SPAs, and to 36% if   Pipeline for the transmission of additional   fiscal year.
       also including the heads of agreement (HOAs)   natural gas volumes that will be produced   Taliban foreign ministry strategic research
       with Vitol and Glencore, the analysts estimate.  and transported from upstream projects in   director Valliolah Shahin said an agreement
         “We do not expect a tangible reaction from   Azerbaijan.               has been struck with Turkmenistan for the
       the company’s shares to the news, but this is   Botas was seeking a $2bn loan to pay   provision of a loan to pay the project fee. The
       positive for the company in the long term,”   upcoming debts to suppliers, including   borrowed funds would be repaid from future
       VTB Capital (VTBC) commented on the   Russia’s Gazprom (Moscow/GAZP),    income generated by the operation of the gas
       new deals, while maintaining a Buy call on   anonymous sources told Bloomberg earlier   pipeline, he said.
       Novatek’s shares.                   this month.                            Afghanistan is expected to earn $500mn
         The total volumes from Arctic LNG-2   In November, the central bank sold a dollar   annually from the project.
       should be 19.8mn tpy, of which 60%, or   sum of $2.23bn to Botas, a record figure, and   Taliban finance ministry spokesman
       over 11mn tpy, should come to the main   in December, the bank sold a dollar sum of   Abdollah Hakmal confirmed the ministry’s
       shareholder Novatek, BCS Global Markets   $3.36bn to state institutions including the   readiness to allocate funds for the TAPI
       estimates. “With several other projects in   pipeline company. .         project and other development projects in the
       development and in the midst of a historical                             current fiscal year.
       seller’s market, we expect more such                                       Taliban officials have repeatedly stated
       announcements in the course of 2022,” the   Chevron says Tengiz output   that they attach particular importance to
       analysts argue.                                                          the TAPI project and intend to ensure its
         In a separate report BCS GM analysts   back to normal                  implementation.
       upgraded their recommendation on Novatek’s                                 The project has been under way since
       shares to Buy with a target price of $300/ADR   Chevron, which leads the Tengizchevroil   2015 and has so far cost $10bn, according to
       (20% estimated excess return).      (TCO) consortium that operates Kazakhstan’s   Turkmen officials.
         Despite Novatek’s shares having fallen   largest oil field, the Tengiz field, announced   The concept for the pipeline is to connect
       about 7% since mid-October 2021, mostly due  on January 11 that production at the field has   energy-rich Central Asia with energy-starved
       to the rising perceived Russian political risk,   been restored to normal levels.  countries of South Asia.
       commodity prices largely moved sideways in   Production at Tengiz was cut last week   In all, there are 16 TAPI agreements that
       the period, BCS GM notes.           amid the countrywide protests that led to   require the Afghan government’s signature.
         High gas prices are expected to persist into   some workers disrupting train lines in support  Nine were signed and sealed by the previous
       2022 due to historically low gas storage, and   of demonstrators. Chevron stands as the   Afghan government, which dissolved and fled
       Novatek is well positioned to fill what appears   largest foreign oil producer in the Central   when US-led forces completed their departure
       to be a growing gap between gas supply and   Asian nation with a 50% stake in the TCO   from the country last summer, leading to the
       demand with the upcoming LNG projects,   joint venture.                  Taliban seizing power..
       BCS GM believes.                       “The workplace environment is stable at

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