Page 12 - FSUOGM Week 15 2021
P. 12

FSUOGM                                            POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       US threatens Belarusian petchem

       firms with sanctions

        BELARUS          THE US will sanction nine petrochemical com-  with the opposition under auspices of the
                         panies from Belarus next month unless Presi-  Organization for Security and Cooperation in
       Washington is calling   dent Alexander Lukashenko releases political  Europe (OSCE).
       for the release of   prisoners and starts talks with his opponents,   Opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya
       political prisoners jailed   the State Department said last week.    has also called for mediated talks between the
       since mass protests   “Regrettably, we find the human rights situa-  opposition, under the auspices of the Coordinat-
       began last summer.  tion has deteriorated to arguably the worst point  ing Council, and the Belarusian elite. However,
                         in Belarus’s independent history,” spokesman  she recently said that the opposition was giving
                         Ned Price said during a press briefing as cited  up on trying to talk to Lukashenko directly, as he
                         by Bloomberg.                        “only wants to stay in power.”
                           State-owned petrochemical giant Belneft-  Lukashenko has been in power since 1994
                         ekhim, the Naftan refinery and seven other  and secured his sixth term after winning by a
                         companies may lose protection under a general  landslide, according to the official results. Unof-
                         licence from the Treasury Department that was  ficial results suggest that Tikhanovskaya won
                         issued in 2015 after Lukashenko released a pre-  by a landslide, however. The US and European
                         vious batch of political prisoners.  Union haven’t recognised the results of the
                           Since the crackdown started following the  election.
                         disputed August 9, over 10,000 people have been   Sanctions against Belarus’ petrochemical
                         arrested and of these over 300 have been jailed,  industry will be especially painful, as Belarus
                         and are deemed to be political prisoners.    earns much of its foreign exchange revenue from
                           The US State Department held out an olive  processing Russian crude oil at its two modern
                         branch saying that the sanctions are “revers-  refineries, completed in the dying days of the
                         ible” if Lukashenko releases his jailed oppo-  Soviet Union, and through exporting the fin-
                         nents, stops violence and starts negotiations  ished products to Europe and beyond. ™
                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Lukoil makes Caspian oil discovery

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Lukoil has made a new discovery  offshore oil production at the Korchagin field in
                         in the Russian section of the Caspian Sea, the  2010, followed by the Filanovsky field six years
       The compan spudded   company’s CEO, Vagit Alekperov, said on local  later. The two deposits flowed a combined 7mn
       the wildcat that made   television after meeting with Russian President  tonnes (140,000 barrels per day) of oil last year.
       the discovery in June   Vladimir Putin.                  Lukoil plans to commission its third field,
       last year.           “We hope that in the coming years this field  Grayfer, in 2020 and it is expected to produce at
                         will enable an increase in the volume of oil pro-  a plateau rate of 1.2mn tonnes per year (tpy), or
                         duction in the Caspian Sea,” Alekperov said on  24,000 bpd.
                         the Russia 24 TV channel.              Caspian fields are set to play a vital role in
                            Lukoil made the find after drilling a well  Lukoil’s mid-term growth plans. But operating
                         targeting the Titonskaya structure and plans to  in the region can be challenging, due to logistical
                         drill a second later this year. It estimates the field  issues, difficult climate conditions and reservoir
                         to contain 130.4mn tonnes (956mn barrels) in  complexity.
                         inferred oil reserves.                 In the past, Lukoil has been afforded lucra-
                            The company spudded the wildcat that  tive tax breaks from the Russian government at
                         made the discovery in June last year, north of  its projects, including zero export duty on the
                         its Grayfer field at the Shirotno-Rakushechnaya  oil it produces and a reduced rate of mineral
                         prospect. It used the Astra jack-up rig owned by  extraction tax (MET). However, it was stripped
                         Russia’s Eurasia Drilling Co. (EDC). The well’s  of some of these benefits at the start of this year
                         target depth was reported at the time to be 1,650  as part of controversial tax reforms instigated by
                         metres.                              the finance ministry.
                            Lukoil began working in the Caspian Sea in the   Alekperov warned in a letter to the govern-
                         1990s and has found ten fields to date containing  ment in February that Lukoil might have to
                         an estimated 7bn barrels of oil equivalent (boe)  mothball the Korchagin field, because of the shift
                         in hydrocarbons. The company launched its first  in tax policy. ™

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