Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 15 2021
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FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       stations. The preliminary indicators reflect   crude oil and 548,000 tonnes of stable gas   below:
       the cost effectiveness that needs to be   condensate.                      Order of Honor - Lukoil first executive
       achieved during the implementation of the   As at March 31, 2021, Novatek had 0.1   vice president Vadim Vorobyov, Lukoil
       project.                            bcm of natural gas, including LNG, and   vice president for economics and
         As planned, the feasibility study   713,000 tonnes of stable gas condensate and   planning Gennady Fedotov, Lukoil
       regarding the construction project for the   petroleum products in storage or transit and  Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez LLC general
       Soyuz Vostok gas trunkline, including a   recognised as inventory.       director Andrei Bogdanov, Lukoil
       detailed breakdown of investment and                                     Nizhnevolzhskneft LLC general director
       operating costs, will be developed before   NOVATEK (RUSSIA)             Nikolai Lyashko, and Lukoil Severo
       the end of this year. This is indicated in the                           Zapadnefteprodukt LLC general director
       action plan of the joint working group of   Russian oil refiners to      Maksim Khitrov.
       Gazprom and the government of Mongolia.                                    Order of Friendship - Lukoil senior
       The feasibility study is being prepared by   ramp up output under govt   vice president for sales and supplies
       the Gazoprovod Soyuz Vostok special-                                     Oleg Pashaev, Lukoil board member and
       purpose vehicle.                    investment deals                     chairman of the Russo-British chamber of
                                                                                commerce Roger Munnings.
                                            Russian oil refineries will raise their   Lukoil noted that the orders of honor
       Novatek reports Q1                  combined gasoline output by 3.6mn tonnes   were awarded in recognition of the workers’
                                           per year and diesel fuel output by 25mn
                                                                                “labor achievements and decades long
       operating data                      tonnes per year under the investment   dedicated work”. Munnings’ order of
                                           agreements signed with the Energy
                                                                                friendship was said to be awarded for his
       Novatek reported on April 12 preliminary   Ministry, the ministry said in a statement   “significant contribution to the development
       operating data for the first quarter 2021.  on April 13.                 of commercial, economic, and cultural
         In the first quarter 2021, Novatek's   On April 12, Deputy Energy Minister   cooperation between the Russian Federation
       hydrocarbon production totaled 158.1mn   Pavel Sorokin said that the ministry signed   and the United Kingdom of Great Britain
       barrels of oil equivalent, including 20.15bn   agreements on investment in upgrading   and Northern Ireland”.
       cubic metres of natural gas and 3.129mn   capacities with 14 refineries, under which   Lukoil is one of the largest publicly
       tonnes of liquids, resulting in an increase   the companies will receive an investment   traded, vertically integrated oil and gas
       in total hydrocarbons produced by 7.9mn   markup to the reverse excise on the crude   companies in the world, according to its
       boe, or by 5.3% as compared with the first   they will use to build new facilities for deep   website, which shows that the business
       quarter of 2020.                    oil refining.                        accounts for around two percent of the
         Preliminary natural gas volumes sold   “The launches of these capacities will   world's oil production and around one
       in the Russian Federation were 19.56   have a significant positive impact on   percent of the proved hydrocarbon reserves.
       bcm, representing an increase of 7.2%   the internal market. In particular, they   The business employs more than 100,000
       as compared with the prior year period,   will allow it to increase output of K5   people, its website shows.
       whereas LNG volumes sold on international   environmental class automobile gasoline by   On November 25, 1991, the government
       markets amounted to 1.87 bcm. The   more than 3.6mn tonnes per year, and to   of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist
       total natural gas sales volumes, including   raise production of the K5 environmental   Republic issued Regulation No. 18 to create
       volumes of LNG sold, aggregated 21.43   class diesel fuel by more than 25mn tonnes   LangepasUrayKogalym (Lukoil) oil industry
       bcm, representing an increase of 3.6% as   per year,” the ministry said.  group that consolidated three oil production
       compared with the first quarter 2020. The   The ministry signed the agreements   enterprises of Kogalym, Langepas and
       decrease attributable to volumes sold on   with the Moscow refinery, the Omsk   Uray, as well as several refineries. The name
       international markets was mainly due to   refinery, Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez,   Lukoil was formed from the initial letters of
       the decrease of Yamal LNG shareholders'   the Afipsky refinery, Orsknefteorgsintez,   the names of Langepas, Urai and Kogalym
       share, including Novatek's share, of LNG   Taneco, the Nozoshakhtinsk oil product   cities, home to the company's major oil
       volumes sold on the spot market, and a   plant, the Ilsky refinery, Gazprom   producing subsidiaries..
       corresponding increase in Yamal LNG   Neftekhim Salavat, the Novokuibyshevsk
       direct sales under long-term contracts.  refinery, the Syzran refinery, the Tuapse
         The company processed 3.127mn tonnes   refinery, the Komsomolsk refinery, and the
       of unstable gas condensate at the Purovsky   Antipinsky refinery.        EASTERN EUROPE
       processing plant, representing an increase of
       10.8% as compared with the corresponding                                 Belarus to buy 1m tonnes of
       volumes processed in the prior reporting   Russia issues awards to
       period. Novatek processed 1.772mn tonnes                                 oil from Azerbaijan in 2021
       of stable gas condensate at the Ust-Luga   Lukoil execs
       complex, representing a decrease of 0.8% in                              Belarus intends to buy one million tonnes
       volumes processed at the facility in the first   The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has   of oil from Azerbaijan in 2021, Ambassador
       quarter 2021.                       signed an executive order granting awards   Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
         According to preliminary data,    to several employees of Lukoil Group, the   Belarus to Azerbaijan Andrei Ravkov told
       petroleum product sales volumes     company revealed this week.          journalists on 13 April, BelTA has learned.
       aggregated 1.613mn tonnes, including   An award ceremony will take place   “Plans are in place to buy one million
       1.022mn tonnes of naphtha, 252,000 tonnes   within the framework of celebrations of   tonnes of oil. The supplies have been steady.
       of jet fuel, and 339,000 tonnes of fuel oil   Lukoil’s 30th anniversary, the company   So far, Azerbaijan has delivered 270,000
       and gasoil. Novatek sold 1.02mn tonnes of   outlined. The full list of awards can be seen   tonnes. An oil tanker with another 90,000

       Week 15  14•April•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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