Page 8 - MEOG Week 29 2021
P. 8

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       First LNG cargo arrives at Al-Zour

        KUWAIT           KUWAIT’S  new regasification terminal at  metres per day of gas.
                         Al-Zour received its first shipment of LNG last   Imports of LNG are seen playing a major role
                         week as work remains ongoing to prepare per-  in Kuwait’s aim to increase the use of cleaner
                         manent units for start-up.           fuels, with the same aim aided by the recent com-
                           According to the Kuwait News Agency  pletion of its $15.7bn Clean Fuels Project which
                         (KUNA), state-owned Kuwait Integrated Petro-  covered the overhaul and expansion of its two
                         leum Industries Co. (KIPIC) received a 213,000  key existing oil refineries.
                         cubic metre cargo of Qatari LNG at its LNG   The $16.1bn Al-Zour complex will also be
                         Import (LNGI) terminal. A KIPIC spokesman  home to a 615,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery
                         said that the firm was expecting to receive a sec-  that is due for commissioning later this year.
                         ond consignment of Qatari gas, this time on a   KIPIC had set a target commissioning date
                         vessel with a capacity of 217,000 cubic metres.  of late 2020 for the refinery but this was pushed
                           The news follows reports that KIPIC’s parent,  back to Q1 2021 as restrictions relating to coro-
                         Kuwait Petroleum Corp. (KPC) had contacted  navirus (COVID-19) slowed progress. The refin-
                         traders last month for a cargo delivered ex-ship  ery’s first mini refining unit will begin operations
                         (DES).                               in November, as it gradually ramps up ahead of
                           The 22mn tonne per year (tpy) facility is part  being fully operational at the end of Q1 2022.
                         of a massive new downstream hub at Al-Zour   Meanwhile, a 2.8mn tpy petrochemical facil-
                         developed by KIPIC which was set up for the  ity is expected to follow, with a provisional date
                         purpose.                             set for 2024 on units that will be capable of pro-
                           LNGI is home to eight storage tanks with a  ducing 1.4mn tpy of paraxylene (PX), 940,000
                         capacity of 225,000 cubic metres and a regasifi-  tpy of polypropylene (PP) and 420,000 tpy of
                         cation facility capable of processing 3bn cubic  gasoline.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   21•July•2021
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