Page 12 - MEOG Week 29 2021
P. 12

MEOG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       KOC to drill oil wells, cancels gas projects

        KUWAIT           STATE-OWNED Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) intends  capital spending in its 2020-2025 five-year plan.
                         to drill more than 750 wells in the north of the   JPF-6 and JPF-7 were expected to have cost
                         country as it seeks to increase its oil production  $1-2bn to complete and were to have had a
                         capacity despite shelving plans for nearby gas  total capacity of 300mn cubic feet (8.5mn cubic
                         development.                         metres) per day of gas.
                           Company sources were quoted on both topics   “KOC decided to cancel those projects as
                         by the local Arabic language daily Al-Anba, not-  part of spending rationalisation plans and opt
                         ing that the oil well drilling forms an important  instead for expansion of the existing facilities,”
                         stage of achieving its output capacity target of  one source was quoted as saying, noting that the
                         4mn barrels per day by 2040, up from the current  projects were central to KOC’s target of achiev-
                         3.1-3.2mn bpd. In 2019, Kuwait said it would  ing 950 mmcf (26.9 mcm) per day of free gas
                         reach the 4mn bpd level by the end of 2020, with  capacity by 2023.
                         capacity to grow to 4.75mn bpd by 2040, but   In April, KOC received bids for contracts to
                         the targets were realigned as the impact of the  construct the facilities for JPF-4 and 5. Sources
                         coronavirus (COVID-19) on spending was felt.  said at the time that the lowest bids were submit-
                         In 2020, Kuwait produced an average of 2.43mn  ted by Chinese company Jereh Oil & Gas Engi-
                         bpd, having fallen to 2.085mn bpd in June last  neering Corp. – $490.6mn for the JPF-4 – and
                         year.                                local firm Spetco International Petroleum Co.
                           The sources said that KOC had invited three  – $489.4mn for JPF-5.
                         international oilfield specialists – Halliburton,   Meanwhile, the timing of the apparent can-
                         Schlumberger and Weatherford, all of the US  cellation of the gas projects is noteworthy, com-
                         – to submit financial and technical bids for the  ing shortly after the first 213,000 cubic metre
                         project. They noted that there are likely to be  cargo of Qatari LNG arrived at the emirate’s new
                         several rounds of negotiations until agreement  LNG Import (LNGI) terminal at the southern
                         is reached on price.                 downstream hub of Al-Zour.
                           In February, Halliburton won a contract to
                         collaborate on expanding digital solutions for  Ratings review
                         the company’s North Kuwait asset.    Also last week, S&P Global Ratings downgraded
                           KOC, a subsidiary of industry parent Kuwait  Kuwait’s sovereign rating from AA- to A+ amid
                         Petroleum Corp. (KPC), is reportedly keen  concerns about budget deficit, uncertainty about
                         to carry out the integrated drilling work on all  funding and the downbeat oil sector.
                         northern fields under one project.     It said: “The negative outlook primarily
                                                              reflects risks over the next 12-24 months relating
                         Gas cutback                          to the government’s ability to overcome the insti-
                         Meanwhile, the company is said to have can-  tutional roadblocks preventing it from imple-
                         celled plans for the development of the Jurassic  menting a financing strategy for future deficits.”
                         gas production facilities (JPF) 6 and 7, as KOC   The ratings agency said it expects Kuwaiti
                         continues to face pressure to reduce its capital  oil production will fall to 2.39mn bpd this year
                         programme.                           “before rebounding to 2.78mn bpd in 2022,
                           A study by US-based Strategy& remains  3.1mn bpd in 2023 and 3.2mn bpd in 2024”.
                         ongoing for the restructuring of the sector and   However, it noted that “a stronger recov-
                         reducing KPC’s affiliates from eight to four.  ery should follow in 2022 and 2023, with GDP
                           The study began last year as KPC was forced  growth averaging 7% as OPEC+ cuts end and
                         to reassess its capital programme, and reduced  Kuwait ramps up production”.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   21•July•2021
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