Page 17 - MEOG Week 29 2021
P. 17

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       rehabilitate the deteriorating infrastructure,   “no factual foundation” and that a risk survey   Reserve in southern Israel.
       Zawati noted.                       found the threat of environmental damage to   In its response to the petition, the EAPC
         The second phase included the     be “negligible.”                     said it had commissioned a risk survey, which
       rehabilitation of the existing wells to increase   In the petition, submitted in May,   had shown that “severe damage leading to
       their production rates. Tests were conducted   three green organizations charged that the   full loss of the entire content of a tanker or
       to develop the production in two out of four   Memorandum of Understanding signed by   external damage to a tanker and significant
       wells, the minister said.           the EAPC with the United Arab Emirates in   loss of content” would only occur once every
         Zawati said that this is the first time Jordan   October should be made null and void given   366,300 years.
       has produced this amount of oil, which is   that it was neither discussed nor approved by   The likelihood of leakage in a pipe carrying
       expected to provide the Treasury with some   the government, nor opened for consultation   fuel to a ship was determined to be so low it
       $40 million annually.               with experts and the public.         would only occur once every 1,111 years, the
         The minister pointed out that the    The accord provides for the EAPC to   company went on.
       Kingdom’s daily consumption of oil reaches   transfer crude oil and oil-related products   “An insignificant spill,” which was not
       about 140,000 barrels. The new production   from its Red Sea terminal in Eilat to its   quantified, was likely to take place once every
       rate equals about 1.5 per cent of local   terminal in Ashkelon on the southern   24 years. If such a spill happened, said the
       consumption, according to the minister.  Mediterranean coast via a land-based pipeline   EAPC, the leak would be pooled and “no
       JORDAN TIMES                        that connects the two.               environmental damage or marine pollution
                                              It is opposed by the former and current   would be caused at all.”
       EAPC defends UAE pipeline           environmental protection ministers, the Israel   the Jordanian port of Aqaba, adjacent to
                                                                                  To support its argument, it claimed that
                                           Nature and Parks Authority, the local coastal
       deal, says spill risk               authorities, a forum of some 20 environmental  Eilat, had received some 2,150 oil tankers
                                                                                over the past decade with no reports of any
                                           organizations, scores of scientists and Eilat
       negligible                          residents.                           environmentally damaging spills.
                                              The opposition is due in large part to the
                                                                                  The EAPC charged that opponents were
       The state-owned Europe Asia Pipeline   EAPC’s shoddy environmental record and   determined to paint a distorted picture, with
       Company on Monday dismissed concerns of   numerous past leaks — it was responsible,   the aim not only of stopping the deal, but of
       opponents of its deal to pipe Gulf oil through   seven years ago, for the largest environmental   shutting down the company’s entire operation
       Israel on the way to European markets, telling   disaster in Israel’s history when one of its   in Eilat, “a facility of strategic and geopolitical
       the High Court that a petition filed by green   pipelines ruptured, sending some 1.3 million   importance to the State of Israel.”
       groups to declare the agreement invalid had   gallons of crude oil into the Evrona Nature   TIMES OF ISRAEL

       Week 29   21•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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