Page 15 - MEOG Week 29 2021
P. 15

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       COMPANIES                           a “puzzle” for Saudi Aramco to solve, but   Pearl Petroleum over this period. For the same
                                           the exact reason behind the choice remains   period, the Dana Gas share of Pearl Revenue
       Aramco data breach sees 1           unclear. The group says that the 1 TB dump   was $87 million, EBITDA $74 million, Net
                                                                                Income $57.4 million, Cash Balances $61
                                           includes documents pertaining to Saudi
       TB stolen data for sale             Aramco’s refineries located in multiple Saudi   million and Gross Debt $93 million. The
                                           Arabian cities, including Yanbu, Jazan, Jeddah,  Company share of total KM 250 expansion
        Attackers have stolen 1 TB of proprietary data   Ras Tanura, Riyadh, and Dhahran.  CAPEX is $220 million, which will be funded
       belonging to Saudi Aramco and are offering it   Samples released by ZeroX on the leak   at the Pearl level. Dana Gas share of Pearl
       for sale on the darknet.            site have personally identifiable information   Petroleum production for the first half 2021
         The Saudi Arabian Oil Company, better   (PII) redacted, and a 1 GB sample alone costs   averaged 150 MMscf/d of gas, 5,250 bbls/d
       known as Saudi Aramco, is one of the largest   US$2,000, paid as Monero (XMR).  condensate and 350 MT/d of LPG.
       public petroleum and natural gas companies   The threat actor, however, did share a   In Egypt, Dana Gas collected $98
       in the world. The oil giant employs over   few recent unredacted documents with   million during H1 2021, compared to $43
       66,000 employees and brings in almost $230   BleepingComputer for confirmation.  million received in the same period of 2020,
       billion in annual revenue.            The price of the entire 1 TB dump is set at   representing a 128% increase.
         The threat actors are offering Saudi   US$5 million, although the threat actors say,   Dr Patrick Allman-Ward, CEO of Dana
       Aramco’s data starting at a negotiable price of   the amount is negotiable.  Gas, said: “This is one of our best collection
       $5 million. Saudi Aramco has pinned this data   A party requesting for an exclusive,   periods in the past several years, driven
       incident on third-party contractors and tells   one-off sale (i.e. obtain the complete 1 TB   and supported by the strong rebound in oil
       BleepingComputer that the incident had no   dump and demand it be wiped completely   prices. The respective governments of both
       impact on Aramco’s operations.      from ZeroX’s end) is expected to pay a   the KRI and Egypt are meeting their payment
         This month, a threat actor group known   whopping US$50 million. ZeroX shared with   obligations, ensuring the petroleum industry
       as ZeroX is offering 1 TB of proprietary data   BleepingComputer that up until this point,   investors are receiving their current monies on
       belonging to Saudi Aramco for sale.  they have been negotiating the sale with five   time and catching up on overdue payments.
         ZeroX claims the data was stolen by   buyers.                          This provides us with the confidence to
       hacking Aramco’s “network and its servers,”   BLEEPING COMPUTER          reinvest in our operations, notably in the KRI
       sometime in 2020. As such, the files in the                              where our expansion plans are well underway.
       dump are as recent as 2020, with some dating   Dana Gas’s collections    We are in the process of constructing our
       back to 1993, according to the group.                                    new KM250 gas train which is on track for
         When asked by BleepingComputer as to   more than doubled in H1         first gas in Q2 2023. In Egypt, we continue to
       what method was used to gain access to the                               work diligently to maintain production and to
       systems, the group did not explicitly spell out   2021                   prepare for drilling our exciting exploration
       the vulnerability but instead called it “zero-                           well in our offshore Block 6 Concession Area
       day exploitation.”                  Dana Gas announced this week that its H1   which holds material potential of over 20 Tcf
         To create traction among prospective   2021 collections from the Kurdistan Region of   of gas resources.”
       buyers, a small sample set of Aramco’s   Iraq (KRI), and Egypt, have increased 106%   DANA GAS
       blueprints and proprietary documents with   year-on-year to $185 million (AED 678m), the
       redacted PII were first posted on a data breach   highest level in more than five years.  Delay in nuclear talks a
       marketplace forum in June this year.  Dana Gas, which owns a 35% stake in
         However, at the time of initial posting, the   Pearl Petroleum, saw its share of collections   serious blow to economy,
       .onion leak site had a countdown timer set to   from sales of condensate, LPG and gas in
       662 hours, or about 28 days, after which the   the KRI jump 85% to $87 million in the first   say pundits
       sale and negotiations would begin.  half 2021 as compared to $47 million in the
         ZeroX told BleepingComputer that the   same period the previous year. The Company   A former political adviser to Iran’s outgoing
       choice of “662 hours,” was intentional and   received cash dividends of $48.3 million from   President Hassan Rouhani says Ebrahim

       Week 29   21•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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