Page 9 - FSUOGM Week 13 2022
P. 9

FSUOGM                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       Russia suggests bitcoins as

       means for gas payments

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA has suggested that so-called “friendly”  allies and neutral countries as well.
                         nations could pay for its gas supplies using bit-  “We have been proposing to China for a long
       Bitcoins have been   coin, as Moscow looks to phase out the use of  time to switch to national currencies like rubles
       suggested as a payment   euros and US dollars in its trade.  and yuan,” Zavalny said. “With Turkey, it could
       option for friendly   The suggestion by the head of Russia’s State  be lira and rubles. You can also trade in bitcoins.”
       states.           Duma energy committee Pavel Zavalny on   Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency
                         March 26 came two days after Russian President  without a central bank or single administrator.
                         Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would  Zavalny’s suggestion comes despite the fact that
                         demand that over 45 countries which the Krem-  China’s Communist Party has banned the use
                         lin has judged as “unfriendly” because of their  of bitcoin and other crypto currencies because
                         imposing of sanctions would have to pay for Rus-  they can provide opportunities for illicit finan-
                         sian gas in rubles rather than other currencies.  cial activities such as money laundering. Bitcoin
                         He ordered Russia’s central bank to prepare the  mining, whereby new bitcoins are produced
                         ground to implement this requirement within  through the solving of computational puzzles,
                         seven days.                          is also extremely energy intensive, drawing con-
                            Now it seems Moscow is also taking aim at  cerns from China and a number of countries
                         the use of euros and dollars in trade with Russia’s  about the impact on the power grid’s stability. ™


       G7 opposes ruble payments

       for Russian gas

        RUSSIA           THE G7 group of countries have all rejected  signed.”
                         Russian President Vladimir Putin’s call for pay-  Earlier on March 28, reporters asked Krem-
       The G7 nations have   ments for Russian gas to be made in rubles, Ger-  lin spokesman Dmitry Peskov whether Russia
       refused to follow   man Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on  might cut gas supply to European customers if
       Russia's requirements.  March 28.                      they did not follow the requirement.
                            Putin announced on March 23 that all pay-  “We clearly aren’t going to supply gas for free,”
                         ments for Russian gas by so-called “unfriendly  Peskov responded. “In our situation, it’s hardly
                         states” should be made in rubles, instructing  possible and feasible to engage in charity for
                         Russia’s central bank and Gazprom to prepare to  Europe.”
                         impose the requirement within a week. Already   Moscow will take decisions in due course if
                         a number of European gas buyers have criticised  European countries refuse to pay in Russia’s cur-
                         it as a violation of supply contracts, which stipu-  rency, Peskov said.
                         late which currencies bills should be paid in.  Economists believe that the decision could
                            “All G7 [energy] ministers agreed that this is  help support the struggling Russian currency,
                         a unilateral and clear breach of existing agree-  but at the same time it would also restrict Mos-
                         ments,” said Habeck, whose country holds the  cow’s access to euros that it needs to service its
                         G7 presidency. “Payment in rubles is not accept-  debts. ™
                         able and … we call on the companies concerned
                         not to comply with Putin’s demand.”
                            Habeck added that the demand showed that
                         the Russian leader had “his back against the
                            German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also reiter-
                         ated that ruble payments were not on the table,
                         stating that “the contracts we know lay down the
                         euro as payment currency and the companies
                         will pay according to the contracts they have

       Week 13   30•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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