Page 13 - DMEA Week 30
P. 13

DMEA                                          TRANSPORT                                               DMEA

       Iraq set to resume

       exports to Jordan

        IRAQ             FOLLOWING last week’s agreement on the  Zawati and Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for
                         resumption of oil exports to Jordan, Iraq has  Energy and Minister of Oil Thamir Ghadhban
       Logistical preparations   completed all of the required logistical prepa-  in Amman and Baghdad in February.
       have been completed.  rations. Jordanian Energy Minister Hala Zawati   Jordanian firm Burj Al Hayat Transport and
                         told press gathered in Amman that crude flows  Trading was declared the winner and received a
                         had stopped after prices had fallen below $20 per  deal to truck a total of 500,000 tonnes (3.67mn
                         barrel.                              barrels) of crude from Kirkuk.
                           After lengthy delays, the first batch of Iraqi   Preliminary work to develop the 1mn bpd,
                         crude left Baiji for Jordan via Kirkuk in Septem-  $5bn Basra-Aqaba pipeline is thought to be
                         ber 2019 under a deal for 10,000 barrel cargoes  nearing, with Iraqi Ministry of Oil (MoO)
                         to arrive daily by truck.            expected to announce contract winners by the
                           From then until April this year, a total of  end of the year. In May the ministry clarified
                         2.44mn barrels of oil were exported to Jordan,  that the pipeline inside Iraq would be installed
                         with the most recent cargoes unloaded into Jor-  according to the engineering, procurement, con-
                         danian trucks at the border in an effort to halt the  struction and financing contract (EPCF) model,
                         spread of coronavirus COVID-19.      while in Jordan it would be executed under the
                           A bilateral deal was signed in February 2019  build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) system.
                         whereby the crude flows cover around 7% of Jor-  The Jordanian government has also approved
                         dan’s current demand, with the Hashemite king-  a deal with the Iraqi federal government to build
                         dom buying the oil at a $16 per barrel discount  two oil and gas pipelines connecting the neigh-
                         to Brent in order to cover the transport and  bouring countries, Jordanian state-run news
                         deviation in specifications. In return, Iraqi goods  agency Petra reported.
                         exported through the port of Aqaba receive pref-  The project is divided into two phases: the
                         erential rates.                      first phase includes installing a 700-km pipeline
                           At the time, Zawati said: “This is the start of  with a capacity of 2.25mn barrels from Rumaila
                         a new era in energy co-operation between the  to Haditha; the second phase includes installing
                         two countries.”                      a 900-km pipeline in Jordan between Haditha
                           Prior to the deal, Jordan had not received any  and Aqaba with a capacity of 1mn barrels.
                         Iraqi crude since 2014.                Total cross-border capacity is anticipated to
                           Zawati added that more than 200 trucks,  be 1mn bpd of oil and 258mn cubic feet (7.31mn
                         roughly 100 from each country, would be used  cubic metres) per day of gas.
                         to transport the oil to Jordan’s Petroleum Refin-  MoO spokesperson Assem Jihad said in mid-
                         ery Co. at Zarqa.                    2019 that “investment offers from international
                           The country’s Ministry of Energy and Min-  companies” were under evaluation on the basis
                         eral Resoures (MEMR) floated a crude transport  of establishing “the pipeline in return for a per-
                         tender in March following the signing of a mem-  centage that will be deducted for each exported
                         orandum of understanding (MoU) between  barrel”. ™

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