Page 14 - DMEA Week 30
P. 14

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       Iraq, Kuwait make progress on

       refining projects

        IRAQ             IRAQ has awarded a $4bn contract to a Japanese  pandemic, Iraq was intending to build several
                         engineering firm called JCG for the construction  new refineries across the country. This was partly
       Iraq has awarded a   of a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) at the 210,000  to make up for damage to its largest plant near
       $4bn contract for a   barrel per day (bpd) Basrah refinery in southern  Baghdad, which was captured by Islamic State
       cracker, while Kuwait’s   Iraq.                        militants (Daesh) in 2014 and reclaimed the fol-
       KIPIC has begun     The plant, boasting a capacity of 55,000 bpd,  lowing year.
       operating a pipeline   will produce a mix of LPG, gasoline, naphtha   Iraq is now contending with a serious eco-
       to supply a new plant   and gasoil. Ground-breaking should take place  nomic crisis, meaning such plans are now on the
       with gas.         in 2021, with construction running for four  shelf.
                         years, the director-general of the state-owned   Over the border in Kuwait, state-owned
                         South Refineries (SRC), Husam Hussein Weli,  Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries (KIPIC)
                         said in a statement.                 is meanwhile making progress on its long-de-
                           Japan dispensed a JPY110bn ($1.05bn) loan  layed Al-Zour refining project. It has begun
                         last year to fund the FCC project, along with var-  operating a pipeline that will supply the facility
                         ious other financial assistance it has extended to  with gas, state news agency Kuna said on July 28.
                         the country.                           Al-Zour, which has been planned for over a
                           The Iraqi oil ministry’s goal is to raise the  decade, is set to become Kuwait’s largest refin-
                         capacity of the Basrah refinery to 280,000 bpd,  ery with a throughput capacity of 615,000 bpd.
                         by upgrading a gasoline unit and adding a crude  Its launch will bring overall refining capacity to
                         distillation unit (CDU). But work is running  above 1.5mn bpd. Kuwait is also modernising its
                         behind schedule, while Iraqi fuel demand con-  existing oil refineries, as part of plans to produce
                         tinues to climb.                     more light fuels such as diesel and kerosene that
                           Before the coronavirus (COVID-19)  can be exported. ™

       UK firm to build biodiesel

       plant in Oman

        OMAN             UK-BASED biodiesel technology and equip-  diversification.
                         ment supplier Green Fuels has broken ground   The project, backed by state support initia-
       Green Fuels is working   on a 7,000 tonne per year biodiesel plant in  tives, is due to produce its first diesel in the sec-
       on the project with   Oman’s Khazaen economic city.    ond quarter of 2021.
       Protostar Group.    The facility will initially produce biodiesel   Oman’s government is looking at various
                         using cooking oils, but will start manufactur-  ways of decarbonising its economy, and the use
                         ing jet fuel as well within four to five years of its  of biodiesel in both power generation and also
                         launch. The bulk of its output will serve as feed-  transport is seen as a low-cost means of achiev-
                         stock for remote power generation, replacing  ing emissions reductions. However, at the same
                         some fossil fuel-based diesel.       time Oman is also building new large-scale con-
                           Green Fuels is working on the project with  ventional refineries, including a 230,000 barrel
                         its partner Protostar Group, through a joint  per day (bpd) plant at the port of Duqm. The
                         venture called Wakud International. The pair  Oman-Kuwait joint venture is due to come on
                         signed a lease earlier this month for land to  stream in 2021.
                         build the plant. Wakud said at the time it was   Recently a Canadian investor also said it was
                         striving to become a regional leader in biofuels  intending to invest in a 300,000 bpd plant in the
                         production, noting that the project at Khazaen  country, designed to provide low-sulphur fuel
                         would contribute towards Oman’s economic  oil for ships in the area. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   30•July•2020
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