Page 10 - GLNG Week 15 2022
P. 10
Ghanaian chiefs seek LPG price drop
AFRICA THE Regional House of Chiefs in Ghana’s investment costs as the major contributing fac-
Upper East region has lobbied for a reduction tors affecting the consumption of LPG. He also
in the price of LPG, saying it wants to make this said that the ministry was working to manage
type of fuel more affordable to consumers in the the rise in the price of the commodity that has
region and provide them with an alternative to followed the rise in world crude oil prices since
felling trees for firewood and charcoal, GNA has the beginning of this year.
reported. “We are working at the taxes ... to advise the
Naba Bewong, the Paramount Chief of the government on the review of the taxes or mar-
Sakoti Traditional Area in the Nabdam Dis- gins in the price build-up, so that we can make
trict, argued that promoting LPG was neces- sure that the LPG we bring to users is something
sary because cutting down trees for biofuel was they can afford,” Boachie was quoted as saying
a practice that affected the vegetative cover in by GhanaWeb.
the region. Speaking on behalf of the House at He further stated that as part of the Rural LPG
a National Energy Transition Forum in Bolga- promotion programme, the government has dis-
tanga on April 9, he urged the government to tributed more than 150,000 cylinders and cook-
“take serious steps to reduce the price of LPG if it stoves to rural communities since its launch in
wants us to reduce carbon dioxide concentration 2012. Currently, he revealed, Accra has secured
in the atmosphere.” a first batch of 40,000 cookstoves, and these are
Obed Kraine Boachie, the Programme awaiting distribution. Boachie went on to say
Officer of the Ministry for Energy, who repre- that the government was also looking at the pos-
sented Ghana’s Deputy Energy Minister Alhaji sibility of using biomass in schools, saying that
Mohammed Amin Adam at the forum, iden- children’s fecal matter could be converted into
tified accessibility, the cost of LPG and initial biomass energy systems for cooking.
ADNOC orders two LNG
tankers from Shanghai yard
MIDDLE EAST ADNOC orders two LNG tankers from Shang- growing customer demand while improving the
hai yard Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) environmental footprint of its fleet.
has confirmed it is to order two 175,000 cubic The new vessels’ engine technology will slash
metre LNG tankers from Shanghai’s Jiangnan emissions ( CO2, NOX and SOX ) and in com-
Shipyard as part of plans to expand its shipping bination with the innovative Air Lubrication
fleet and to raise LNG production. System further reduce fuel consumption by at
ADNOC Logistics & Services (ADNOC least 10%.
L&S), the company’s shipping unit, said on April Jiangnan Shipyard has already built five Very
12 that it had signed a contract for the construc- Large Gas Carriers (VLCCs) for AW Shipping,
tion of two 175,000 cubic metre LNG vessels ANDOC L&S’ joint venture company with Chi-
expected and that they would be delivered in na’s Wanhua Chemical Group.
2025. ADNOC said that the new vessels would However, this is the first deal for a Chinese
support its existing LNG business and its ambi- yard solely with a non-Chinese, international
tions to grow its LNG production capacity. gas major. Shanghai’s Jiangnan yard is owned by
“The expansion and modernization of our China State Shipbuilding Corporation.
LNG fleet will be a key enabler of ADNOC L&S’ Over the past two years, ADNOC L&S has
growth strategy. This acquisition helps future- acquired 16 deep sea vessels, including eight
proof our fleet with more sustainable, modern Very Large Crude Carriers with 16mn bar-
vessels capable of serving our customers for the rels of capacity, and six product tankers, which
next 25 years and deepens our partnership with expanded the product tanker fleet capacity to
Jiangnan Shipyard,” said Captain Abdulkareem over 1mn tonnes.
Al Masabi, CEO of ADNOC L&S. The vessels The deal comes as European buyers are
will be significantly larger than ADNOC’s exist- looking to source gas from non-Russian sup-
ing ships, which have a capacity of 137,000 cubic pliers after the EU has declared it will reduce
metres, and will used 10% less fuel. its imports of gas from Russia, with a total halt
The acquisition of larger, more energy effi- to Russian gas imports from Russia possible by
cient vessels will allow ADNOC L&S to meet 2025.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 15 14•April•2022