Page 9 - GLNG Week 15 2022
P. 9

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       Iran to kick off work

       on Soleimani refinery

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAN is set to begin construction work on its  projects would be commissioned swiftly, antici-
                         300,000 barrel per day (bpd) Shahid Ghasem  pating operations beginning within two or three
                         Soleimani refinery as it builds out downstream  years.
                         processing capacity.                   In February, the minister said that refining
                           The country’s Minister of Petroleum Javad  capacity would rise by around 200,000 bpd in
                         Owji said this week that work would begin to  the next two or three years. “We have signed
                         develop the new refinery in April alongside the  contracts for an additional 1.46mn bpd to be
                         360,000 bpd Persian Gulf Star Refinery (PGSR)  implemented in a period of four to six years for
                         in the wider Bandar Abbas refining complex on  refineries that produce feedstock for petrochem-
                         Iran’s southern coast.               ical plants,” he added, noting that each 100,000
                           The refinery, named in honour of Islamic  bpd increment would cost around $2.5-3bn,
                         Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) general  inferring a total outlay of $36.5-43.8bn.
                         Qasem Soleimani, who was assassinated in early   Meanwhile, the following month, the Min-
                         2020, will be constructed at an estimated cost of  istry of Petroleum (MoP) announced it had
                         $11.5bn.                             received budgetary approval to expand refining
                           Owji noted that the facility, which will be an  capacity by 300,000 bpd, with private sector and
                         integrated refining and petrochemical plant “will  foreign investment likely to be sought.
                         help increase the production of gasoline and   The head of the National Iranian Oil Engi-
                         other value-added products”.         neering and Construction Co. (NIOEC), Farhad
                           Meanwhile, he said: “For refineries such as  Ahmadi, then said that $18bn would be spent on
                         Bandar Abbas, Tehran and Tabriz, the quality  upgrading the country’s refineries and associ-
                         improvement plan and value added of their  ated infrastructure, covering the 360,000 bpd
                         products have been defined in the form of eight  Abadan refinery ($1.85bn), a facility of unspec-
                         projects,” referring to a country-wide down-  ified capacity in Khuzestan ($4.5bn) and the
                         stream expansion project. He said that the  Soleimani unit.™

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