Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 25 2022
P. 4

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Russia-EU gas crisis enters next

       phase as Germany, Italy and France

       all report cuts in supply

       Whether technical or political in nature, Russia has steeply cut gas flow via

       the Nord Stream 1 pipeline

        RUSSIA           THE crisis in the EU-Russia gas relationship has  has dismissed the disruption at Nord Stream 1
                         taken another turn for the worse, with Germany,  as politically motivated.
       WHAT:             Italy and France all reporting cuts in supply after   “Russia’s reason [for reducing gas supplies]
       Germany, Italy and France   all three countries backed Ukraine’s bid for EU  is just a pretext,” German Vice-Chancellor
       have reported cuts in   candidate status.              Robert Habeck said. “Their strategy is obvi-
       Russian gas flow as they   The leaders of Germany, France and Italy, as  ously to unsettle [people] and drive up prices.”
       endorse Ukraine’s bid for   well as Romania, threw their support behind  Germany’s reliance on Russian gas has fallen in
       EU candidate status.  providing immediate EU candidate status for  recent months, partly through its own efforts to
                         Ukraine and Moldova in a joint news conference  diversify supply but more significantly because
       WHY:              in Kyiv on June 16, laying to rest any doubts over  Gazprom has cut off some buyers, including
       Gazprom claims that   their stance. In the run-up to that announce-  Poland in April and Finland in May. But Ger-
       technical difficulties   ment, Russia curtailed gas supply to Germany,  many still sources approximately 35% of its gas
       are to blame for the cut   France and Italy, forcing the three countries to  from Russia, and natural gas has come to play
       in deliveries via Nord   put their energy systems on high alert.  an increasingly large role in its energy mix, to
       Stream 1.           The curtailment in Russian supply has also  support intermittent renewables as it has stead-
                         driven up already sky-high gas prices in Europe.  ily phased out nuclear and coal-fired capacity in
       WHAT NEXT:        The July contract at the Dutch TTF hub has risen  recent years.
       Germany is most   more than 50% over the past week. On June 20   The German government announced on June
       exposed of the three to   it gained nearly 5% in early trading, coming to  19 additional measures to boost gas storage lev-
       the disruption, which   €124 ($131)/MWh. Exacerbating the market’s  els ahead of the next winter heating season, amid
       explains why it has   tightness, the 15mn tonne per year (tpy) Free-  rising fears that Moscow could cut off gas supply
       resorted to resuming   port LNG terminal in Texas suffered an explo-  to the country completely. Its economy ministry
       coal-fired power   sion on June 8, taking out of action what has  said the new measures would include increased
       generation.       been the source of 10% of Europe’s LNG imports  reliance on coal-fired power plants, as well as the
                         in recent weeks.                     introduction of an auction system starting in the
                                                              coming weeks that would provide incentives
                         Germany                              to industry to consume less. The government
                         On June 14, Gazprom said it was reducing gas  is also providing a €15bn ($16bn) credit line to
                         supply via Nord Stream 1 to 100mn cubic me-  Germany’s gas market operator via state lender
                         tres per day, down from a previous plan of 167  KfW, to help it stock up on gas faster, according
                         mcm per day, because of technical difficulties  to Reuters.
                         at the Portovaya compressor station that han-  Germany’s gas storage facilities are cur-
                         dles the pipeline’s gas. The company followed  rently under 58% full, meaning that the country
                         this up with an announcement on June 15 that  still has considerably further to go to reach the
                         it was curtailing output at Portovaya further to  EU-mandated target of having storage utilisation
                         67 mcm per day, representing a 60% reduction  at 80% by November 1, in preparation for winter.
                         versus the original plan.            The country has had to fill up its facilities faster
                           Specifically, Gazprom pointed to Siemens’  than many of its neighbours in recent months,
                         failure to return on time turbines to Portovaya  as several of them until recently owned by Gaz-
                         that had been sent off to repair. The German  prom were left depleted at the start of last winter.
                         engineering group confirmed to Reuters that
                         it had been unable to do this because of Cana-  Italy and France
                         dian sanctions. Turbines represent a particular  Italy is likewise significantly reliant on Russia
                         vulnerability for Russia’s energy system, as it is  for its energy needs. The country covers around
                         heavily reliant on foreign equipment and ser-  17% of its gas demand with Gazprom supply,
                         vices here. However, Germany’s government  and gas plays an even greater role in its ener-

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