Page 13 - MEOG Week 31 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       COMPANIES                           forces spokesman, denounced reports of   were “working on the assumption Iranian
                                           maritime incidents and hijacking in the   military or proxies boarded the vessel”. read
       Unforeseen delay knocks             Gulf area as “a kind of psychological warfare   more
                                           and setting the stage for new bouts of
                                                                                  The U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet and UAE
       UK Oil & Gas share price            adventurism,” the Fars News Agency said.  authorities did not immediately reply to a
                                             Two of the maritime sources identified the
                                                                                Reuters request for comment.
       UK Oil & Gas’ share prices headed south on   seized vessel as the Panama-flagged asphalt/  Alluding to the reports, Saudi Arabia’s
       August 2 after the company warned of an   bitumen tanker Asphalt Princess in an area   foreign minister told a U.S. think tank in an
       unforeseen delay at the Basur-3 appraisal well   in the Arabian Sea leading to the Strait of   online appearance that he sees an emboldened
       in Turkey, operated by Aladdin Middle East   Hormuz, the conduit for about a fifth of the   Iran acting in a negative manner in the region,
       (AME).                              world’s seaborne oil exports.        including endangering shipping. L1N2PA1RV
         UKOG said AME is pausing drilling until   The U.S. State Department said it was   On Tuesday at least five ships in the sea
       after the acquisition and processing of new   concerned and looking into reports of a   between the UAE and Iran updated their AIS
       seismic data to ensure a sidetrack is optimally   maritime incident in the Gulf of Oman, but   tracking status to “Not Under Command”,
       located at the site. AME has planned a   that it was too early to offer a judgment.   according to Refinitiv ship tracking data. Such
       sidetrack hole to test the Garzan and Mardin   Britain’s foreign ministry was “urgently   a status generally indicates a ship is unable to
       targets, as the hole section that contains   investigating” an incident on a vessel off the   manoeuvre due to exceptional circumstances.
       the targets has been deemed unsuitable for   UAE coast, a spokesperson said. read more  Nour News, affiliated with Iran’s top
       onward drilling, according to Dow Jones   U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of   national security body, quoted a senior
       Newswires.                          anonymity, said the United States military was   navy official as saying “the movement of
         “We concur with AME that the most   considering repositioning at least one vessel in   commercial vessels is quite normal and no
       prudent course of action is to pause   the general vicinity of the Asphalt Princess to   official naval sources or countries in the
       commencing the sidetrack until new modern   keep a closer eye.           Persian Gulf have reported any incidents”.
       seismic can be incorporated to further derisk   The officials said this would not be   Iran’s foreign ministry said the reports of
       drilling and help achieve our objective,”   uncommon and would be to monitor the   maritime incidents were “suspicious” and
       UKOG CEO Stephen Sanderson said.    situation rather than to make any imminent   warned against any effort to create a “false
         UKOG holds a 50% interest in the project.  military moves.             atmosphere” against Tehran. read more
       BNE                                   Tensions have simmered in the region after   The United States and Britain said on
                                           an attack last week on an Israeli-managed   Sunday they would work with their allies to
                                           tanker off the Omani coast killed two crew   respond to last week’s attack on the Mercer
       OIL                                 members and was blamed on Iran by the   Street, a Liberian-flagged, Japanese-owned
                                           United States, Israel and Britain. Iran has   petroleum product tanker managed by Israeli-
       Iran denies reports of              denied responsibility. read more     owned Zodiac Maritime.
                                             The United Kingdom Maritime Trade
                                                                                  Iran denied any involvement in that
       seizing tanker                      Operations (UKMTO), in a warning notice   suspected drone strike and said it would
                                           based on a third-party source, had earlier
                                                                                respond to any threat against its security.
       Iranian-backed forces are believed to have   reported a “potential hijack” and advised   Britain, Romania and Liberia told the
       seized an oil tanker in the Gulf off the coast   ships to exercise extreme caution due to the   United Nations Security Council on Tuesday
       of the United Arab Emirates, three maritime   incident around 60 nautical miles east of the   that it was “highly likely” that Iran used one
       security sources said, after Britain’s maritime   UAE’s Fujairah emirate.  or more drones to carry out a deadly tanker
       trade agency reported a “potential hijack” in   The Times of London newspaper also   attack last week off the coast of Oman. read
       the area on Tuesday.                reported that the Asphalt Princess had been   more
         Abolfazl Shekarchi, Iran’s senior armed   hijacked, citing British sources as saying they   U.S. officials have said privately they are

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