Page 9 - MEOG Week 15 2021
P. 9

MEOG                                  PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       Jordan to re-offer blocks

        JORDAN           JORDAN is set to offer up nine oil and gas explo-  and the latest effort is the Risha block in the far
                         ration licences across the country as it seeks to  west – source of the kingdom’s only current gas
                         reduce its reliance on imports. Speaking to the  production. BP relinquished control to the gov-
                         Jordan Times this week, Energy and Mineral  ernment in 2014 after five years of unproductive
                         Resources Minister Hala Zawati said that the Al  exploration. A four-year production-sharing
                         Azraq, Sirhan, Jafr, West Safawi, Dead Sea, North  agreement (PSA) was awarded to UK-registered
                         Highlands, Sirhan Development, Petra and Rum  Egyptian-owned company IPG in March 2016
                         acreages would all be opened up for exploration.  that also covered the East Safawi block. However,
                           All but Sirhan Development, Petra and Rum  further updates have not been forthcoming and
                         were included in an ill-fated licensing round in  the company’s UK subsidiary was dissolved a
                         2017, which was extended following a lack of  month after the contract was signed.
                         interest.                              State-owned National Petroleum Co. has
                           Several have been extensively explored – by  since been awarded a 50-year contract for Risha
                         heavyweights of the calibre of BP and Royal  as well as PSAs for East Safawi and the Hamza
                         Dutch Shell, both of which withdrew during the  field, where it is carrying out field analysis in
                         first half of the decade – with extensive 2D and  collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and
                         limited 3D seismic surveys conducted.  Mineral Resources.
                           The adjacent Azraq and Sirhan licences –   With imports catering to more than 90%
                         covering respectively 6,311 and 7,970 square  of the Hashemite Kingdom’s energy demand,
                         km in the central east along the Saudi border –  there is significant motivation for the explora-
                         were also previously offered in a three-block bid  tion effort, while renewables and Jordan’s large
                         round in 2014.                       oil shale reserves are also expected to contribute.
                           However, with the tender coinciding with   At an estimated 40-70bn tonnes, Jordan’s oil
                         a protracted oil price crash, awards were never  shale deposits are the eighth largest in the world
                         made. Shell agreed to conduct a nine-month  and may underlie over 60% of the country’s terri-
                         study of the two blocks in 2012 but declined to  tory, with Zawati having spoken for several years
                         enter a longer-term deal.            of plans to achieve production of 25,000 barrels
                           Also offered are the Jafr block, covering  per day (bpd).
                         10,662 square km directly to the south of Sirhan,   Despite the environmental challenges of tap-
                         the Dead Sea block covering 10,841 square km in  ping oil shales, Jordan has received encourage-
                         the central west along the border with Israel, and  ment in the form of finance close on $2.1bn for
                         the North Highlands and West Safawi blocks in  a project to build the country’s first shale-fired
                         the north bordering Syria.           power plant.
                           The West Safawi acreage excludes the Hamza   The 470-MW facility, which will be located in
                         development area in the south-east of the block.  the southern region of Attarat Umm Ghudran,
                         All the areas have been explored before to var-  will be the first oil shale-fired electricity gener-
                         ying degrees – with the number of wells drilled  ation facility in the Middle East when it is com-
                         ranging from three at Sirhan to 20 in the Dead  plete. It is expected to consume around 10mn
                         Sea area, according to material on each block  tonnes (73mn barrels) per year of oil shale, which
                         published by MEMR.                   can be burned directly for electricity generation.
                           Past information indicates that more than   The developers are Malaysia’s YTL Power
                         half of the Dead Sea wells have yielded oil and  International and China’s Yudean Group, with
                         gas shows, as have several of those drilled at most  each holding a 45% stake in the project, while
                         of the blocks.                       Estonia’s Enefit owns the remaining 10%.
                           The Petra and Rum blocks are located in the   Zawati was quoted in 2019 as saying that the
                         far south-west.                      oil shale power plant would generate 15% of Jor-
                           Excluded from both the 2017 licensing round  dan’s electricity requirements by 2020.™

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