Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 01 2023
P. 7

LatAmOil                                         MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

                         The president (in pink shirt at head of table) visited the refinery on December 23 (Photo: Twitter/@lopezobrador_)

                         At this point, Lopez Obrador added, the plant   delays and cost overruns.
                         will be able to turn out 280,000 bpd of gasoline   Pemex has been building the Olmeca plant
                         and diesel. “We’re advancing toward energy sov-  with enthusiastic support from the president,
                         ereignty,” he wrote.                 who is keen to ensure that the NOC retains its
                           The president did not comment on the fact   leading role within Mexico’s fuel and energy
                         that his announcement amounts to yet another   sector. Lopez Obrador sees the refinery project
                         delay for the Olmeca refinery. Mexico’s Energy   as a means of ensuring that 100% of Mexican oil
                         Ministry Rocio Nahle had asserted last July, dur-  production can be refined locally and of making
                         ing the project’s launch ceremony, that the plant   domestic petroleum product supplies both plen-
                         would begin turning out gasoline for sale on   tiful and cheap.
                         the domestic market in December of last year.   So far, though, the Olmeca plant has been
                         Lopez Obrador had said previously that the   anything but cheap. The cost of the project was
                         Olmeca refinery would be launched on time in   originally budgeted at $8bn, but Pemex is now
                         mid-2022, despite concerns about construction   on track to spend nearly twice that sum. ™

       US authorises Sempra to re-export

       gas from Mexican LNG terminals

                         US-BASED Sempra Energy recently secured
                         authorisation from the US government to pump
                         natural gas by pipeline to Mexico, where it will
                         be processed into LNG for export via terminals
                         slated for construction on the Pacific coast.
                           On December 20, the US Department of
                         Energy (DOE) approved the permits that will
                         allow Sempra to send gas to the Energía Costa
                         Azul (ECA) site, located near Ensenada in Baja
                         California State, and to the Vista Pacífico LNG
                         site in Topolobampo, a port in Sinaloa State.
                         With these permits in hand, the company will be   The permits cover gas exports from ECA and Vista Pacífico LNG (Image: Sempra)
                         able to re-export US-produced gas from Mexi-
                         can territory.                       multiple phases. (The plant was originally con-
                           Specifically, it will be able to export the equiv-  structed to serve as an LNG import terminal,
                         alent of 475bn cubic feet (13.45bn cubic metres)   but Sempra’s IEnova subsidiary is now convert-
                         per year of gas from ECA, which is being built in   ing it into an export facility.)

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