Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 01 2023
P. 12

LatAmOil                                       VENEZUELA                                            LatAmOil

                         They also exempt Chevron, under certain   government and opposition proceed.
                         conditions, from penalties under the existing
                         sanctions regime. The US government began   Petroboscan loadings
                         restricting investment in Venezuela’s oil sec-  In related news, another Chevron-PdVSA joint
                         tor in early 2019, during the administration of   venture may be preparing a second shipment
                         then-President Donald Trump, in response to   of crude for export. Multiple sources cited by
                         reports that President Nicolas Maduro resorted   Argus Media said PdVSA had begun loading
                         to fraud to secure re-election in late 2018. It   250,000 barrels of heavy oil on the Beauty One
                         made no move to lift or lighten the sanctions   tanker in Bajo Grande at the weekend. The ves-
                         before the Maduro regime made a certain   sel was slated to finish filling its tanks and depart
                         amount of progress in negotiations with the   the port on January 2, said the sources, including
                         Venezuelan political opposition.     an unnamed company insider.
                           The Biden administration issued GL 41   Argus Media’s sources said the Beauty One
                         after authorising certain European companies   had arrived in port on December 29, eight days
                         to resume imports of Venezuelan crude oil in   after the resumption of production by Petro-
                         order to recoup pending debts. Washington has   boscan, a joint venture between Chevron and
                         also lifted the individual sanctions imposed on   PdVSA. Petroboscan is based in Zulia, the same
                         select Venezuelan individuals, while also releas-  state that is home to Bajo Grande, and is now
                         ing relatives of the first lady of Venezuela who   yielding 10,000 barrels per day (bpd) of ultra-
                         were convicted on drug trafficking charges.  heavy crude.
                           While Chevron asked Washington in early   Ship-tracking data sources do not show
                         2022 to take broader operational control of its   Chevron to be the charterer of the Beauty One.
                         Venezuelan ventures, it has only secured limited   However, Argus Media’s sources confirm that
                         permission to resume work. US officials have   the vessel, which has primarily been used for
                         also said that the scope of Chevron’s authority   cabotage in Venezuela in recent months, is cur-
                         will be scalable as talks between Venezuela’s   rently loading crude for export. ™

       ABPIP comments on investment trends

       in Brazil’s onshore oil and gas sector

                         A survey conducted by the Brazilian Independ-  production levels had been in decline since 2012
                         ent Oil and Gas Producers Association (ABPIP)   but said the company’s business strategy saw
                         has revealed that the country’s small- and   output reaching 500,000 barrels of oil equivalent
                         medium-sized oil firms are expected to invest   per day in 2029, up from 150,000 boepd in 2016.
                         BRL40bn ($7.4bn) in onshore fields by 2029.  Onshore yields have been rising “substantially”
                           This trend is being driven partially by the   ever since new companies began entering the
                         activities of the national oil company (NOC)   market, he added.
                         Petrobras. The state-owned company has been   He further noted that Petrobras has already
                         selling off its onshore fields and other non-core   sold off a number of offshore as well as onshore
                         assets in order to focus on the development of   assets. Reuters corroborated his remark, noting
                         its offshore pre-salt fields, noted Anabal Santos,   that the NOC had sold a total of 204 conces-
                         ABPIP’s executive secretary.         sions, including 165 onshore sites and 39 off-
                           Since these divestments have boosted Petro-  shore sites, since it first rolled out its divestment
                         bras’ investments and production, they are   strategy in 2013.
                         likely to continue, even now that leftist Luiz   ABPIP includes a number of major inde-
                         Inacio Lula da Silva has taken control of Bra-  pendent players in Brazil’s oil sector, including
                         zil’s government, Santos told Reuters. “We are   the likes of Eneva and PetroReconcavo. The
                         convinced that common sense will prevail,” he   group’s members are working to increase out-
                         informed the news agency shortly before Lula’s   put at onshore oilfields acquired from Petrobras.
                         inauguration on January 1.             But Petroreconcavo’s CEO Marcelo Magal-
                           He also predicted that the NOC would   haes stresses that his firm does not owe its suc-
                         expand the sell-off campaign to include shal-  cess solely to old Petrobras assets. “We don’t only
                         low-water assets. “This process [of Petrobras   live off of Petrobras’ divestment programme ...
                         selling assets] should be expanded in shallow   [We] can make acquisitions, partnerships, farm
                         waters,” he commented.               in ... We’re just getting started,” he was quoted by
                           Santos noted that Petrobras’ onshore   Reuters as saying late last month. ™

       P12                                     www. NEWSBASE .com                     Week 01   04•January•2023
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