Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 01 2023
P. 13

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Petrobras signs natural

       gas flow and processing

       contract with CNOOC

       Petrobras informs that it has signed the Inte-
       grated Natural Gas Processing System (SIP)
       contract with CNOOC Petroleum Brasil Ltda
       (CNOOC) and, together with Petrogal Brasil,
       Repsol Sinopec Brasil and Shell Brasil, partners
       in the Santos Basin pre-salt offshore pipelines,
       has concluded the process of CNOOC’s adhe-
       sion to the existing contracts of the Santos Basin
       Integrated Natural Gas Flow System (SIE-BS).
         By signing these contracts, CNOOC will be  binding proposals.          of the entirety of Maha’s stake in its Brazilian
       able to offload the natural gas coming from the   The main subsequent stages of the project  subsidiary was signed on December 27, 2022,
       Búzios field, located in the Santos Basin pre-salt,  will be informed to the market in due course.  with its closing subject to customary precedent
       through any of the SIE-BS export routes and   This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-  conditions, including approval by the Brazilian
       process it in plants owned by Petrobras, making  bras’ internal rules and with the special regime  antitrust authority.
       it possible for CNOOC to directly supply the  for divestment of assets by federal mixed   The total acquisition consideration can reach
       natural gas market as of January 1, 2023.  economy companies, provided for in Decree  $174.1mn, comprised of the purchase price of
         This is another step Petrobras has taken in  9,188/2017.               $138mn, subject to specific adjustments and to
       building an open, competitive and sustainable   This operation is in line with the company’s  be paid in two installments, (i) $82.8mn at the
       natural gas market and is part of the set of com-  strategy of portfolio optimisation and capital  Closing Date and (ii) 55.2mn six months after
       mitments made to the Administrative Council  allocation improvement, aiming at value max-  the Closing Date, and an additional $36.1mn
       for Economic Defence (CADE) in July 2019.  imisation and greater return to society.  based on certain contractual conditions estab-
         The SIE-BS is composed of Routes 1, 2 and 3   About the asset: The asset consists of the  lished by Maha and PetroRecôncavo, dependent
       for the outflow of the Santos Basin pre-salt Clus-  onshore fibre-optic network that is approxi-  on applicable earnout structure.
       ter, and the SIP includes the processing plants  mately 8,000 km long, covering all regions of the   The Transaction with PetroRecôncavo was
       connected to the SIE-BS, owned by Petrobras,  country, connecting several state capitals and  considered by the board of directors as advan-
       located in Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Cabiúnas,  metropolitan regions. The fibre-optic network  tageous and aligned with the Company’s new
       and Itaboraí (under construction), both in Rio  is composed of buried cables, most of which  portfolio management strategy, and was driven,
       de Janeiro.                         have a capacity of 36 optical fibres each, packed  in part, by the following:
         In addition to the SIE-BS, Petrobras has also  in high-density polyethylene HDPE tubes   Optimisation of the Company’s asset port-
       shared since 2021 with the company Potiguar  (bi-tube) for higher protection and maintenance  folio: the Transaction will grant the necessary
       E&P (a subsidiary of PetroRecôncavo) the  versatility.                   liquidity and cash reserves to enable the Com-
       Guamaré Natural Gas Flow System (SEG Gua-  Petrobras, 29 December 2022   pany to pursue the optimisation of its asset
       maré) and the natural gas processing plant at the                        allocation strategy via new investments and
       UPGN Guamaré.                       Maha Energy announces                acquisition of new assets at attractive entry
       Petrobras, 27 December 2022                                              multiples, with a focus on creating value for its
                                           sale of Maha Energy Brasil           shareholders;
                                                                                  Operational Synergies with PetroRecôncavo:
       INVESTMENT                          to PetroRecôncavo                    while maintaining the regular course of business
                                                                                and operating Maha Brazil’s current portfolio,
       Petrobras reports on sale of        Maha Energy has announced the sale of Maha  PetroRecôncavo will be able to generate signif-
                                           Energy Brasil to PetroRecôncavo. The total  icant synergies by leveraging their strong pres-
       onshore fibre-optic network         acquisition consideration is $174.1mn, with a  ence in the Recôncavo basin.
                                                                                  According to Maha’s CEO, Paulo Thiago
                                           purchase price of $138mn, subject to specific
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  adjustments, plus $36.1mn to be paid upon suc-  Mendonça: “This divestment is a significant step
       on October 21, 2022, informs the beginning  cessful achievement of earnout milestones.  within the Company’s new strategic position-
       of the binding phase regarding the sale of its   In line with the Company’s new strategic  ing, continuously focusing on generating value
       onshore fibre-optic network.        positioning, the board approved the divestment  for shareholders. This transaction will enhance
         Potential buyers qualified for this phase will  of Maha’s Brazilian subsidiary (Maha Brazil) to  Maha’s balance sheet and enable the Company to
       receive a process letter with instructions on the  PetroRecôncavo, one of the major E&P onshore  pursue accretive opportunities in the O&G space
       divestment process, including guidelines for  players in Brazil.         at attractive entry multiples, targeting stronger
       conducting due diligence and for submitting   The quota purchase agreement for the sale  cash-flow streams and profits.”

       Week 01   04•January•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P13
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