Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 01 2023
P. 15
“Overall, this means that almost all available off-
shore acreage in Uruguay has now been taken
up, and apart from Challenger Energy, all by
majors and NOCs who have committed to very
sizeable work programs. This dramatic increase
in interest in Uruguay and the neighbouring
region is directly related to the very sizeable dis-
coveries made in the conjugate margin Orange
Basin in early 2022, and through the course of
2023 we hope to move forward with a farm-in,
so as to capitalise on that increased interest and
allow for accelerated work on our block. Further
updates will be provided in due course.”
Challenger Energy, 03 January 2023
high-fidelity data and images necessary to better shared reservoirs of Atapu and Sépia, with bids
understand this frontier basin.” expected to be received in July 2023 and produc-
PROJECTS & COMPANIES Early-out PSDM products will be available tion to start in 2028.
in Q4 2023, with final products available from After the second round of bidding for the sur-
TGS, CGG announce Foz Q3 2024. plus volumes of the onerous transfer, Petrobras,
the operator, now holds 65.7% interest in the
The project is supported by industry funding.
do Amazonas Phase II 3D TGS, 04 January 2023 Atapu shared reservoir, Shell 16.7%, TotalEner-
gies 15%, Petrogal 1.7%, and the Brazilian Gov-
multi-client survey Shearwater GeoServices ernment, represented by Pré-Sal Petróleo SA
(PPSA), 0.9%. For the Sépia shared reservoir, the
offshore Brazil announces Petrobras 4D composition is Petrobras (55.3%) as operator,
TotalEnergies (16.9%), Petronas Petróleo Brasil
TGS, in partnership with CGG, has announced contracts at Jubarte and Ltda. (12.7%), QatarEnergy (12.7%), Petrogal
the second phase of the Foz do Amazonas 3D (2.4%). In both reservoirs, PPSA acts as manager
multi-client survey, located in the offshore Brazil Tartaruga Verde fields of the contract.
equatorial margin. This survey, covering 11,425 The platforms P-84 (Atapu) and P-85 (Sépia)
square km, will broaden the region’s 3D coverage Shearwater GeoServices has announced the will each have a production capacity of 225,000
and deliver additional high-quality data essential award of two contracts for 4D seismic surveys bpd of oil and a processing capacity of 10mn
for the exploration efforts in the basin. with Petrobras for the Jubarte and Tartaruga cubic metres per day of gas. The platforms’
Existing 2D data and adjacent 3D data indi- Verde fields in the Campos Basin offshore Brazil. design, standardised between the two units, rep-
cate the presence of reservoir depositional fair- Combined, the two surveys together add eight resents a step in the technological evolution for
ways in this location which overlies a source months to the company’s order book. the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, with
interval contemporaneous with the Guyana The first contract is for a second 4D monitor emphasis on the introduction of the All-Electric
Basin petroleum system. Basin model studies survey over the Jubarte (Humpback) and Baleia concept in projects of this size, which consists of
predict a mature Early Cretaceous petroleum Ana fields, expected to start in the third quarter an engineering concept for more efficient power
system with extensive regional reservoir distri- of 2023. generation, making use of the recent revision of
bution. The nearby Zaedyus discovery in French The second contract covers acquisition of a the emission limits foreseen in CONAMA’s res-
Guiana and the Narina and Venus wildcat dis- high-resolution baseline 4D survey, together olution 382/2006.
coveries on the conjugate margins of Liberia and with gravity and magnetic measurements, over The project allows a 30% reduction in the
Sierra Leone support resource potential in the the Tartaruga Verde (Green Turtle) field. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions per barrel
Foz do Amazonas Basin. survey is expected start early 2024. of oil equivalent (boe) produced. The reduction
Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS, commented: “Shearwater has a strong track record in is due to the benefits of the All-Electric configu-
“We’re pleased to announce the Foz do Amazo- Brazil and a well-established relationship with ration, optimisations in the processing plant for
nas 3D Phase II project with our partner CGG. Petrobras. We look forward to applying our increased energy efficiency, and the incorpora-
For TGS, this project further strengthens our world leading time-lapse geophysical survey tion of several technologies: zero routine venting
data library position in the Equatorial Margin capabilities to these large projects,” said Irene (recovery of vented gases from the cargo tanks
and will be instrumental in enabling exploration Waage Basili, CEO of Shearwater. and processing plant), deep sea water harvest-
companies to have a robust subsurface under- Shearwater GeoServices, 04 January 2023 ing, use of variable speed drives on pumps and
standing in advance of future Permanent Offer compressors, cogeneration (Waste Heat Recov-
rounds.” Petrobras starts contracting ery Unit), zero routine flaring (recovery of gases
Sophie Zurquiyah, CEO at CGG, said: “With from the flare – closed flare), and valves with
our established leadership in geoscience solu- process for two FPSO units requirements for low fugitive emissions and the
tions and unmatched experience in the Equa- capture, use, and geological storage of CO2 from
torial Margin, spanning Guyana, Suriname and for Atapu, Sépia fields the produced gas.
Brazil, our geoscientists will apply their deep This result reflects Petrobras’ commitment
regional insight and cutting-edge imaging tech- Petrobras has started the contracting process to generating value, sustainability, safety and
nologies such as time-lag FWI and least-squares for two FPSO (Floating, Production, Stor- respect for people and the environment.
migration to provide the high-resolution, age and Off-loading) production units for the Petrobras, 27 December 2022
Week 01 04•January•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P15