Page 4 - DMEA Week 46 2022
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                                                                                                         (Photo: UNEP)

       COP27: Africa lobbies

       to retain natural gas

       Despite pollution dangers, African states see natural gas as a means of overcoming energy poverty

                         AFRICAN nations are lobbying to be allowed to   from droughts, floods, cyclones, locusts and
                         use their natural gas reserves to lift up to 600mn   army worms.”
       WHAT:             people out of energy poverty and to connect   He also said that Africa was losing $7-15bn
       African nations are   them to modern electricity supplies.  per year due to climate change, which is pro-
       lobbying to be allowed   While renewables are the key to the future   jected to rise to $50bn by 2050. He warned that
       to use their natural gas   of Africa, natural gas is still needed to balance   Africa, which accounts for just 3% of greenhouse
       reserves.         out energy supplies and to provide the feedstock   gas (GHG) emissions, is the least prepared to
                         needed for industrialisation.        cope with its devastating effects. Indeed, he said
       WHY:                “We must recognise the special nature of   that 5mn Africans had been displaced by climate
       The continent is home to   Africa,” said African Development Bank (AfDB)   change.
       hundreds of millions of   President Akinwumi Adesina at COP27 in   He warned that Africa was being short-
       people with no reliable
       access to modern energy   Egypt, Reuters reported. “Africa has the highest   changed by climate finance, and that Africa
       supplies.         level of energy poverty in the world. My inter-  received only 3% of total climate finance glob-
                         est is how Africa uses natural gas as part of its   ally, amounting to $18bn per year, against the
       WHAT NEXT:        energy mix to provide electricity for 600mn peo-  $125bn per year it needs.
       Africa must work to strike   ple today that don’t have access to electricity.”
       a balance between in-  Adesina said that Africa’s specific need for   Pollution threat
       vestment in green energy   natural gas must form a central plank of any final   However, a report from the UN released at
       and gas.          deal that comes out of COP27.        COP27 highlighted that Africa could prevent
                           He also told the conference: “Africa is suffer-  880,000 deaths per year by taking action on air
                         ing from devastating effects of climate change,   pollution and climate change.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   17•November•2022
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