Page 7 - DMEA Week 46 2022
P. 7
Iranian, Russian companies
to build Tabesh fuel pipeline
MIDDLE EAST IRAN’S Sin Energy Gostar Holding plans to terminals. This will be done in cooperation with
build a domestic pipeline for the transportation two Iranian and Russian firms,” he added.
of petroleum products with the help of Russian Shana also reported vice chairman of the Par-
company Promsyrioimport, the managing liamentary Energy Commission Mullah Musa
director of the holding was quoted as saying by Ahmadi as saying the Petroleum Ministry is
Shana, Iran’s official news agency for energy-re- looking to expand its energy diplomacy with
lated announcements. potential foreign partners in mind.
Tehran is looking to make use of the spare “As a result of joint cooperations between
capacity that has become available as a result of Iran and Russia, the unspoken fear of US sanc-
the economic isolation and sanctions imposed tions is breaking and countries such as China,
on Moscow by the West in response to the for- Qatar and some regional countries such as Iraq
mer’s invasion of Ukraine. and Syria have expressed their desire for joint
Together, Iran and Russia are pursuing multi- work,” he was quoted as saying.
ple projects that are aimed at building up greater
shares of the global oil, gas and petrochemical
“According to a cooperation document
signed recently by the holding and Russian
state company Promsyrioimport [a subsidiary
of the Russian Ministry of Energy], the Rafsan-
jan-Mashhad [fuel] pipeline, known as Tabesh,
will be built in Iran by the two companies,”
Petroleum Ministry official Mohammad Ziar
was cited as saying.
“The project involves the construction of a
948-km-long pipeline from Rafsanjan in the
southeastern province of Kerman to Mashhad in
the province of Khorasan-Rezavi in the north-
east, as well as two pumping stations and three Bank Tejarat agreed to finance the pipeline project in March 2022 (Photo: Shana)
US and Israel point finger at Iran after
drone attack on tanker off Oman coast
MIDDLE EAST THE US and Israel have pointed the finger at “We are in communication with the vessel
Iran after a bomb-carrying drone struck an oil and there are no reports of injuries or pollution.
tanker associated with an Israeli billionaire off All crew are safe and accounted for,” Eastern
the coast of Oman on the night of November 15, Pacific said in its statement.
the Associated Press has reported. It added: “There is some minor damage to
The tanker in question — the Liberi- the vessel’s hull but no spillage of cargo or water
an-flagged Pacific Zircon, which is operated ingress.”
by Singapore-based Eastern Pacific Shipping, a Meanwhile, US National Security Adviser
company ultimately owned by billionaire Idan Jake Sullivan commented in a separate state-
Ofer — was carrying gasoil when it was “hit by ment: “Upon review of the available informa-
a projectile” 150 miles (240 km) off the coast of tion, we are confident that Iran likely conducted
Oman, according to an Eastern Pacific state- this attack using a UAV [unmanned aerial vehi-
ment cited by AP. cle, or drone].”
Week 46 17•November•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P7